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Where is the documentation?


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Having been a long time synergy user I visited the website today to see if there was an update as the latest MacOS update seemed to break keyboard reflection to second and third machines. There was and it was Synergy 2. Bought it, downloaded it and after sodding about for what seems like most of the day I now have two out of three machines connected together. WHERE IS THE DOCUMENTATION? The debian pc simply won't install the .deb package because it depends on libraries that are higher versions than the distribution so now I'm screwed and stuck with 2 out of 3 working. 

To make matters worse the package installer for the mac and windows has removed the previous version so I can't even roll back easily. Where is the documentation?

So now stuck with version 2, which doesn't seem to recognise that I have 3 monitors on the main pc and 3 on the windows 10 pc? Right now I have to move to the right hand monitor of the main to get to the windows pc and no amount of moving the little boxes around will change that. Where is the documentation? 

Anyway, I've wasted enough time today on this so I'm back to two keyboards on the desk for now. I'll consider the options tomorrow and probably have to re-install synergy pro 1 which at least worked. 

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Sorry that you're having problems. Have you contacted our support team yet? https://symless.com/contact/customer-support

If you'd rather get help on the forums, please could you share your logs? Without logs, nobody can help you troubleshoot the issue.

Synergy 2: How to send your logs
Hello, Important: Before you do anything else, please open a support ticket. If you'd prefer to go it alone, read on... Please include your logs


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Ok great. So now we've established there is no documentation I've raised two support tickets and we'll see what comes of that. 

I have to say, that had there been some documentation then in all likelihood I would have solved it myself and saved everyone's time. 

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