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Mac server, Ubuntu client, Razer Mamba mouse


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I'm using synergy 1 pro. Macbook pro is the server, and Ubuntu is the client. I connected Razer Mamba mouse on the server since the touchpad won't scroll properly in Ubuntu. The Razer Mouse is working fine when it is working in Macbook pro stand alone. The Razer Mouse is working fine when it is working in Ubuntu stand alone. Then, I use synergy 1 pro for controlling both computers by using the Razer Mamba mouse. It is doing cross-platform mouse pointing thing, but it is not usable. When the mouse point is on the server side, which is Macbook pro, it works great. However when the mouse point is crossing over the ubuntu client side, it starts acting weird. Let's say I'm moving the mouse point like drawing circle. Then the mouse point gets going left and left. Eventually the mouse point is all the way the left end side of the screen after several circles. What's wrong with it? Is it possible to fix it?

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First, start a support ticket. This gets your issue in front of the developers. Report your experience to support. Send logs from each machine. Trouble tickets drive development

I've been so drilled-down with Synergy 2.0 that I haven't used Synergy 1.0 in a while, so I'm going to pass to some of the active Version 1 folks here on the community


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