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migrating 1.8x -> 2.xx | canonical answers to basic questions


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I've been using Synergy for a *long* time-  on GNU/Linux boxes, Windows machines from Xp forward, toOS/X Macs. I've used it long enough that I ave a fair bit of skill in doing the configs, and other than periodic cut-and-paste issues (most of which I don't currently have using 1.8x), Synergy 1.8x works like a charm.

So no creason to upgrade to 2, but since I always have a certain amount of unease when my software environment gets a bit long in the tooth, was thinking ompelling of 'trying' 2.xx on a couple of my non-mission critical machines. But, in browsing through basic information (as I could find), I found a fair bit of 'variation' (uncertainty) in what to me are some basic details about how 2.xx works, and how it differs from 1.xx

So, for my own benefit (and I suspect a few others like me who might be puzzling), a couple of key questions

1\ can I still do a completely manual config of server/client, or do I have to do everything via a cloud (or equivalent server)? If the latter, what if you have local LAN connections for some machines, but not to the Internet? If I can't do a completely manual config -- at my own choosing -- 2.xx is DOA for me. I don't use cloud anything for authentication/configuration. Period. I gave up upgrades for any number of software applications that went that route. 

2\ related to (1), my work environment is 100% fixed ip's -- is there a provision in whatever config system Symless is using for that kind of environment? I've run into a number of 'network tools' that seem to assume the world is DHCP, when it often ain't..

3\ can I turn SSL 'off'? My machines are (largely) nested multiple layers deep behind multiple firewalls, and I'm not really do anything that really requires SSL. SSL is a great idea in theory, but can slow things down a fair bit (and, from what I gather, may not always work as intended because of differences and vagaries of flavours of SSH installed on various machines). 

Thanks in advance!

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I don't think the current version of Synergy 2 is what you are looking for.

The goal of Synergy 2 is that a user installs it and it auto-configures and works without the user having to intervene. Even to select a server.

Synergy 2.1 is being developed, targeting IT and Power Users. There will be access to a console for administrative control of specific cases, but most users won't ever see it. Offline configuration is planned to be included.

Don't expect 2.1 for a couple of months yet.

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
9 hours ago, GranPaSmurf said:

Don't expect 2.1 for a couple of months yet.

Hmm, probably more like 6 months at this rate. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience! :)


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OK - thanks! Version 1.88 works fine for me, so I have have the luxury of 'not needing' an update to 2.x any time soon. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is already quite a disappointment that the offline version is still not here after all those months of waiting. And then reading on the forum, that the CEO also makes a statement that it 'may take' another 6 months ... hmm indeed

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