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Synergy 2.0.x client lag


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I have noticed from 2.0.6 to 2.0.8 some distinct lagging issues from Server to Client, mostly on transition from Server screen to Client screen which I can't explain at times.

As examples, unfortunately, I didn't capture the logs at the time, but seeing on occasion when I hit the edge of server to transition to Client, I get one of the following responses:

  • Acts as if client is not connected unless physically on client and doing an interaction which re-syncs client and server to communicate.
  • Acts as if a 'ghost' client is between server and client. Meaning cursor goes off Server screen, does not transition over to Client screen.  Takes a few times to get it to transition over.
  • Sometimes Control is 'partially' taken.  IE: Move cursor onto client screen...  Can type, but mouse clicking fails to work.  Mouse can move, but can't click or right click on anything until physically touching control on client machine.
  • Noticeable 'non-responsiveness' at times trying to go from Server to Client when Server is doing something intensive (Recreated at time when playing World of Warcraft on Server, high IO or network access seems to make Synergy refuse to transition to client)  Mouse moves on server screen, but acts like it can't transition to client at times.

Believe that there should be a single call to config service to check update in config, then fall back to local settings should be made on initial startup, but not constantly polling or the service is not dealing with connection recovery too well.

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Caught one of the bugs on the client:


[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: screen version is older (1443 < 1444), skip screen 199
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: handling cloud message: server claim, mode=client thisId=199 serverId=212 lastServerId=212
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: core process already running, attempting to stop
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: shutting down core process...
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: comparing profiles, id=123 this=v954 other=v954
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=212 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: core process I/O cancelled after shutdown request
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: Error reading from core client: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: core process exited: exit code=1 expected=true error=The operation completed successfully.
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: starting core process with command: C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergy-core.exe --client -f --debug DEBUG --name SKasai-Yoga900 --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir C:\Users\Scott Kasai\AppData\Local\Symless\Synergy --log C:\ProgramData\Symless\Synergy\synergy-core.log
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] debug: core process started, id=3308
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] INFO: drag and drop enabled
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] DEBUG: screen shape: 0,0 3200x1800
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] DEBUG: window is 0x00cd00fc
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] ERROR: failed to get desktop path, no drop target available, error=2
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:12] DEBUG: adopting new buffer
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] DEBUG: opened display
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] NOTE: started client
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] DEBUG: event queue is ready
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] debug: Error reading from core client: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] debug: comparing profiles, id=123 this=v954 other=v954
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] debug: profile screen status changed, screenId=199 Connecting->Connected
[ Service ] [2018-04-07T18:57:13] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:14] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:14] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:14] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:14] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:14] debug: Error reading from core client: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:14] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:15] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:15] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:15] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:15] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:15] debug: Error reading from core client: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:15] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:16] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:16] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:16] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:16] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:16] debug: Error reading from core client: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:16] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:17] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:17] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:17] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:17] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:17] debug: Error reading from core client: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:17] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:18] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:18] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Protocol error from server. Aborting
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:18] DEBUG: retry in 1 seconds
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:18] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:18] debug: Error reading from core client: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:18] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] NOTE: connecting to '':
[ Router  ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: clipboard changed: synergy owned
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: desk Default window is 0x013c0574
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: switched to desk "Default"
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: desktop is now accessible
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: open clipboard
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: empty clipboard
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: close clipboard
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: open clipboard
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: empty clipboard
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] DEBUG: close clipboard
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:19] NOTE: connected to server
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:20] INFO: entering screen
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:20] DEBUG: start receiving clipboard data
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:20] DEBUG: receiving clipboard 0 size=4
[ Core    ] [2018-04-07T18:57:20] DEBUG: received clipboard 0 size=4

Had issues 'reconnecting' for no reason.  Other than using another keyboard on the client computer and having it 'bounce' around.  Also noticed I couldn't do a copy of the text with ctrl-c.

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Both server and client are Windows 10.

From what I am noticing, it looks partly Network connection.  Both computers are hardwired.  Log doesn't show much with regards to it but looking at Task Manager, no spikes in CPU or in network persay, but when certain load times happen in World of Warcraft, or another example, a period of time while running Facebook Gameroom, and then trying to switch to another screen, I am seeing that there is a delay or it looks like the cursor 'bounces' off the edge like it lost connection with the client and then regains it after at few more attempts.

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Juan Manuel DIaz

Hi, i am dealing with the same issue.... It is very anoying and sometimes last key pressed is hold for a couple of seconds and types or erase all over my code.

Please, solve this asap or i will ask for a money back.




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