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Synergy 2.0.8 not working


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I have a relatively simple set up between three Windows 7 Pro machines. I was running version 2.0.6. I noticed I had lost control of the other two systems. I went to launch the Synergy UI when I was greeted with the message that the software was no longer supported. I downloaded and upgraded all three machines to 2.0.8. My main machine that has my keyboard and mouse will not see the other two systems.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything across all three machines, including deleting the registry keys, the ProgramFiles\Synergy folder, and the appropriate user data folders.

I've been hacking away at this for over three hours now. I'm losing work productivity!

Is anyone else having this issue? So frustrating...

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It sounds like you have done great troubleshooting. All you've done is what I would have suggested.

By all means, your next step is to start a support ticket. The link is below in my signature.

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