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Massive UI!

Craig Emery

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Craig Emery

That's the only way I can describe it.

The new UI is a massive sea of blue that I cannot shrink, even though the two green screen-representing rectangles in the middle occupy about 10% of the "field."

So I have to maximize the window to see the "new version" text etc in the bottom left corner.

I have a 2017 Surface Pro with a screen resolution of 2736 x 1824.

It's the fact that the blue screen is huge and unused that's madness. I'd like to be able to shrink it by dragging the corner, but the UI has a minimum size set so it won't let me!

The window could literally be half the size and I'd still be able to see everything & function normally.

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the GUI is messed up on some combination. It's a known bug. Be sure to post your experience with Support (link below in my signature) that's the way to get it in front of the developers ASAP.

I THINK a clean un-install/re-install will fix it. Maybe....

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