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One system works for 20 to 30 seconds

Bobby Thompson

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Bobby Thompson

I've been using Synergy 1 Pro for years and it's been antiquate for the most part...

I upgraded to Synergy 2 yesterday and as of yet I cannot get any kind of consistent reliability out of it...

The irony is that even though its setup to require a lot let configuration on the part of the user, I've spent WAY more time just trying to get Synergy 2 to work one time between all 3 of my systems than it ever took me to configure Synergy 1...


I've had varying problems:


One system never seems to see the other 2

One system works for 20 to 30 seconds only for there to be a report in the config window indicating "There was a problem connecting ot the background service. Retry" (and of course clicking retry seems to fix the problem, for about 20 to 30 seconds until it comes up again.

One seems to show a 'loading' progress bar a whole lot more than it shows a green screen.


Even though I've managed to get to a point where 2 (not all 3) machines both show green, there seems to be less than a 50/50 chance moving my cursor to the edge of the screen (on either system) will actually cause a transfer to the other.


I've learned how to do clean installs on all 3 systems (2 Macs, 1 Win 7) more than once, but I have never once gotten to the point where I can freely move my cursor between all 3 systems.  And I can't remember the last time I ever rebooted any of these 3 systems anywhere near the times I've done all 3 over the past 2 days...


Oh, and anyone know why the Synergy 2 Mac menubar icon will sometimes show and sometimes won't???  And why there is seemingly no consistent way to bring it back once it's missing???

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Bobby Thompson

It seems like I've made some progress, at least as of now as I have managed to get all 3 screens to show as green and move my cursor across all 3 (though that does not mean things are working constantly).


Problems I'm noticing:

1.  If I switch from my windows machine (that represents my primary, though this concept doesn't appear to exist in Synergy 2), to my mac laptop to control it directly, upon switching back to my windows machine Synergy 2 ceases working all together...  The ONLY means of fixing this -- re-run the main synergy program and it appears to re-link the systems...  It's a rather annoying manual step that I've had to do no less than 10 times in the last hour...

2.  Synergy seems to up a 'die' on my macs after an extended period.  What I mean by die is I can't seem to move my cursor onto the screen (I have 2 macs and this issue has happened back and for), and the menu bar icon is gone.  I have to re-run the main synergy app, it displays the main window, seemingly reconnects them, then the menu bar icon comes back...  I've had to do this no less than 2 times per Mac system in the past hour.

3.  Lastly, sometimes my cursor refuses to change systems.  The pattern goes like this:  I move my cursor left onto my first neighboring screen, upon entering the neighbor the cursor instantly jumps back onto the "Main" system then moves left again (since I keep moving my mouse left) onto the neighbor system and it again jumps back to the main system.  When this happens (4 or 5 times in the past hour), it literally appears the cursor moves between the two systems a hundred times or so.  Sometimes it will eventually stay on the neighbor system (allowing me to control as normal), and sometimes it will get locked back onto the main system (forcing me to re-run the main Synergy app in the same manner I mentioned in item 1 above).


With Synergy 1 I would occasionally need to re-fun the main Synergy app after unlocking my system when leaving for a while, and I would only need to do it a couple times per day.

It literally feels with Synergy 2 there is a 10:1 possibility of it not working over it actually working...

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Got it.

Restarting the Synergy service sometimes helps to get Synergy to re-connect. In  Windows, with a fresh installation that was giving me trouble, I've put a shortcut in my taskbar so I can get to it easily. I find that I remove it after a couple of days, no longer needed. I'm not sure about restarting services on MAC, except:

MAC Open both the Terminal app and the Activity Monitor (found in Applications > Utilities)   

  1. Paste and run:
    launchctl unload Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist

  2. Paste and run:
    sudo killall synergy-core

  3. Ignore the message, "No matching processes..."

  4. Paste and run:
    launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist

  5. Go back to Synergy, right-click on a computer and select "Share from"

If Synergy is closed, paste and run:
      open -n /Applications/Synergy.app

  1. If the problem is not resolved, repeat all steps on every computer

Another trick is to mouse-grab one of the monitors displayed on the Synergy UI and move it away. Just not touching others. The displays should go gray and the 'working' bar starts. Then you can move the monitor back where you want it. This is supposed to restart the Synergy core on all the machines displayed.


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Bobby Thompson
2 hours ago, GranPaSmurf said:

Got it.

Restarting the Synergy service sometimes helps to get Synergy to re-connect. In  Windows, with a fresh installation that was giving me trouble, I've put a shortcut in my taskbar so I can get to it easily. I find that I remove it after a couple of days, no longer needed. I'm not sure about restarting services on MAC, except:


MAC Open both the Terminal app and the Activity Monitor (found in Applications > Utilities)   

  1. Paste and run:
    launchctl unload Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist

  2. Paste and run:
    sudo killall synergy-core

  3. Ignore the message, "No matching processes..."

  4. Paste and run:
    launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist

  5. Go back to Synergy, right-click on a computer and select "Share from"

If Synergy is closed, paste and run:
      open -n /Applications/Synergy.app

  1. If the problem is not resolved, repeat all steps on every computer

Another trick is to mouse-grab one of the monitors displayed on the Synergy UI and move it away. Just not touching others. The displays should go gray and the 'working' bar starts. Then you can move the monitor back where you want it. This is supposed to restart the Synergy core on all the machines displayed.


I'm familiar with all these steps and what they specifically do (all be it I didn't know about the "Share from" option within Synergy perviously).

This removes the entry that launches the synergy service (and keeps it running in this case), kills the "synergy-core" process, then restores the launch entry.

Unless I'm missing something, other than "Share from" the rest of the steps would be accomplished by a reboot (a longer process, but takes a lot less effort).


That being said, I went ahead I tried the steps anyway...

As of now one of my Macs can no longer see the other 2 systems...  Which was the exact place I was in when I first installed Synergy 2 yesterday.  The only solution for this I found before was a clean install on every system...


Seeing that I now have to invest over an hour to clean each of the systems, I think I'm just going back to Synergy 1...  I can't afford to keep wasting so much time on something so unreliable.



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Bobby Thompson

Dangit, I can't find a link for v1 anywhere...  I did find a thread on this board but it contains 2 links both of which give me errors when I click on them.

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
21 hours ago, Bobby Thompson said:

Dangit, I can't find a link for v1 anywhere...  I did find a thread on this board but it contains 2 links both of which give me errors when I click on them.

Would you mind contacting customer service? We can add S1 access to your account. https://symless.com/contact

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Bobby Thompson
24 minutes ago, Nick Bolton said:

Would you mind contacting customer service? We can add S1 access to your account. https://symless.com/contact

OK, but it does seem odd that I have to request access, seeing that I specifically paid for Synergy 1 Pro some time ago.


Nevermind, I did some clicking around on my account & finally figured out how to reach the S1 download section..,

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
11 hours ago, Bobby Thompson said:

OK, but it does seem odd that I have to request access, seeing that I specifically paid for Synergy 1 Pro some time ago.


Nevermind, I did some clicking around on my account & finally figured out how to reach the S1 download section..,

Ah, ok, I thought you purchased S2. All users who purchased S1 still have and will always have access on the downloads page.

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