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Severe Lag on 2.0.7-stable

Mr. Christopher

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Mr. Christopher

I updated to 2.0.7-stable today and my mouse/cursor isn't smooth anymore.  It's very laggy and was almost unusable including frequent disconnects where I had to press 'retry' on the Synergy client.

I figured I'd restart both of my machines (both Windows 10) to give the update a fair chance.  But it hasn't made it any better.  I frequently stop being able to control my 2nd machine even though the client shows the connection is good.  If I restart the Synergy service in Windows on both machines I get the connection back but the lag is still severe and it eventually disconnects again.  Sometimes after only a couple minutes.

Has anybody else had a reduction in connection quality after the update?

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Mr. Christopher

Thanks for the reply, but from my post above: "I figured I'd restart both of my machines (both Windows 10) to give the update a fair chance.  But it hasn't made it any better."

I'll start a support ticket if it doesn't get resolved soon but rather than bug the support staff I thought I'd reach out to see if it's a known issue.

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Mr. Christopher

Thanks again.  I submitted a support ticket.  I also requested an update on the drag/drop of files feature which I was told last year would be released Q1 2018

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