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Synergy 2.0.7 using wrong ip address


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For some reason, synergy 2.0.7 tries to connect to which is an ip that none of my computers is associated with. It might have been one of my virtual network interfaces,  but disabling that interface, clearing configs and restarting the service doesn't do anything. Is there a way for me to force it to use the "correct" network interface?

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The problem is that I can't establish a connection between my computers. One shows up as green on both computers, the other doesn't.

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Ok, finally solved it.

The real problem wasn't with the network "ERROR" messages as you said, but with the display "WARNING" ones.

The real problem was that the service, running as a different user, didn't have access to the X session.

Running "xhost +" as mentioned in this comment fixed it for me: https://symless.com/forums/topic/4510-problem-connecting-to-auto-config-service/?do=findComment&comment=19819

Is there a way I can do this without opening up my xsession for every host?


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