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Two accounts on one network.

Brad Silliker

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Brad Silliker

I have 4 computers that are using Synergy 2 Pro.  The issue i'm having is that I need 2 computers on my personal account and two on a business account.  I need to have 2 computers (A &B) connected together, but separate from the other two computer (C&D). Computers (C & D) also need to be connected, but separate from (A & B).
Currently, when I try to use it, all 4 computers show up as it's on the same network, and I can't find a way to have separate groups running. 
Hopefully that made sense.  Any help would be appreciated.  


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Guest Steve Williams

Hi Brad, 

I think you are describing the Config Profiles feature which will be added to a future version of Synergy but is not available yet. 




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