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ARM and Ubuntu 16.04 support


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I have just purchased synergy v2 after years from buying the v1. It's my intention to use it between two Linux 16.04 machines, one with amd64 platform, the other one with aarch64 platform (Nvidia Jetson). 

Unfortunately I cannot find any .deb packages for arm for version v2. Plus, I see in other threads that support for 16.04 is poor in v2?

Could you clarify me if it's possible to install v2 on arm platform? (I am available to compile from source!)

I used to be able in v1, and I bought v2 taking for granted that support was there...



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I got everything up and running by cloning the synergy-core and compiling from source.

I then had to disable the synergy service and manually configure synergy-cores to connect.

So long to SSH, so long to easy setup. Looking back, if this is the way, it wasn't worth updating to v2 honestly. Anyway, let me know if there is a better way.


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I've watched your thread; I just don't have any answers for you.

That said, the goal of Synergy 2 is that a user installs it and it auto-configures and works without the user having to intervene. Even to select a server.

There will be access to a console for administrative control for specific cases, but most users won't ever see it.

Linux distros have been buggy throughout each iteration of  Synergy 2. If I were using the system you describe, I think I would drop back to Version 1, at least until Synergy 2.1 is released. No, I don't have any idea of a roadmap.

Report your experience to support. Send links to logs for each machine. Trouble tickets drive development.    https://symless.com/contact/customer-support

Let us know what happens.







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thanks for your reply. I've been through support and they explained me that they are going to introduce ARM support in 2.1 due to Q3 2018. I am willing to wait, but I agree with you, so far it's better to stick with v1 for ARM platform. You *can* make v2 work on ARM but it's not worth it since you are not going to get the benefits of it.


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