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(RESOLVED) Not hotkeys in 2.0? WTH


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I have annoying issues where I have to scroll the mouse to the secondary monitor (which is positioned above the main) and then goto the right to get to my Macbook, and then vice versa to get back to my main screen. Have you removed the hotkeys totally in 2.0? They were a godsend for my issue in 2.0.

Edited by GranPaSmurf
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First report to support  support-form@symless.com  support tickets drive development 

While you wait for a response from support, try this: move your top screen over just a tad. Offset just a little, not stacked exactly. 

Maybe this will be a workaround until a new Synergy update. 

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Hey, thanks for the reply. I've literally just noticed that the screen furthest in the direction of your other machine is where the mouse jumps from. I've off set the lower (main) screen to the right ever so slightly and it works as intended now. Thanks for the swift reply. Love the software.

Only other thing is the inability to copy/paste files? Clipboard works fine..

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in my systems I've found the clipboard function to be ify. I'm suspicious that it depends on which direction I'm going along with which of my computers initiates the copy. One of my machines is resources challenged. It seems it's better at receiving than sending. This is just my suspection, not a technical answer. 

May I mark your OP as 'resolved'? 

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Aye, thats a work around for now. I read people had joy with disabling SSL on Syn 1 but thats not an option on Syn 2.

Original issue fixed.


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With copy and paste, there is definitely a buffering/delay time thing going on. It gets worse the larger the file is, but that should be expected. I have noticed that with more resource limited machines you do have to wait a bit before your destination clipboard is updated. Expand out your log window by hitting tilde so you can see when the operation has completed.

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