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Not able setup the connection


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Today i bought Synergy 2 primarily to update my Windows/OpenSuse connection. I have learned then OpenSuse is not supported, ok :(. Then i tried to update the connection of two older Windows 7 Machines. First uninstalled Synergy 1.8.8.  Installing Synergy2 was ok then but i was not able setup the connection. If i start synergy i only see a window with a login button. Login not possible due to the fact these machines are not connected to the Internet (and they will never be). I did not found any Configuration files. Does this mean i always need a Internet connection to run or setup Synergy 2 ????  For now i have installed 1.8.8 again and it is working . Really confused...

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Thank you for your answer. This means i wasted some money and a day to find out Synergy 2 is useless for me.

Why there is absolutely no hint on the Symless Website a Internet Connection is needed to run Synergy 2, a simple Keyboard sharing Software ? Why there is no Information it only supports some few Linux Distros instead to give the sources to build alone as before ?

Very annoyed...


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mine has internet connection but fail whit out error message.... if there is some auto connection between server and client on a local net then it fails. I hope this is not waste of money and there will be a update and fixes for bugs. vesion 2.05 (windows 8.1 64bit) 

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Synergy 2 is just bad software.  With stuff like Electron out there there's really no excuse for your crap UI anymore.  Just write a config file serializer and hire a front end web designer.  You're charging for it now, stop writing software like it's your hobby.

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11 hours ago, Mikey G said:

Synergy 2 is just bad software.  With stuff like Electron out there there's really no excuse for your crap UI anymore.  Just write a config file serializer and hire a front end web designer.  You're charging for it now, stop writing software like it's your hobby.

It'd be nice if you provided some sort of practical, helpful input. Your comments are noted, however.

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  • 1 month later...

Why on Earth does Synergy2 need a #&^%& internet connection to connect two local computers on my private LAN.  Have you guys also jumped on the data scraping, privacy gouging band-wagon that every other product seems to be headed toward?  Abandon a great idea for a new VERY crappy product that only supports the tired, pervasive and relentless business model that is now found in almost everything - what a novel idea.

Synergy 2 meet Trash bin, back to Synergy 1 until I can find something else or simply do without.

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I also failed to setup Synergy 2. (between Win10 and Ubuntu 16.04)
Regret buying it and installed 1.8.8 instead, works great. To bad synergy has degraded over time.

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Zachary Tan

I just installed Synergy 2 on Win7 and Ubuntu 16.04.  Win Synergy keeps at "Next step: install Synergy 2 on another computer".  But Linux shows Synergy is running "root      21894  0.0  0.0 117560  9636 ?        Ss   09:11   0:00 /usr/bin/synergy-service".

What is going on?

It is interesting that there is no documentation at all.

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
15 hours ago, Zachary Tan said:

Win Synergy keeps at "Next step: install Synergy 2 on another computer". 

Sorry that you're having problems. Have you contacted our support team yet? https://symless.com/contact/customer-support

If you'd rather get help on the forums, please could you share your log links for all computers? Without logs, nobody can help you troubleshoot the issue. Please make sure you share the log links, and don't paste the actual logs.


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