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Error activating on OS X - proxy?

Michael Brown

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Michael Brown
When I try to activate I get the following error message. [code]An error occured while trying to sign in. Please contact the helpdesk, and provide the following details. Code: 0 Error: ERROR: curl perform error: Couldn't connect to server FATAL: An error occurred: CURL perform failed.[/code] We have a proxy in place at work that I can't do anything about so I'm wondering if that's the issue and if anyone knows any workarounds? Edit: I quit Synergy and then ran it from the command line where I already have http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables set. I used the following command to launch Synergy and activation worked after that. [code]open -a synergy.app[/code] This probably needs to be submitted as a bug.
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  • 8 months later...
Eric Fickenscher
Is this a similar error? It's a different error code, but the same net result. When I try to activate on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS I see the following: [code]An error occurred while trying to sign in. Please contact the helpdesk, and provide the following details. Code: 1 Error: [2016-01-26T01:44:55] ERROR: curl perform error: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates [2016-01-26T01:44:55] FATAL: An error occurred: CURL perform failed. [/code]
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