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Seeing machines I don’t want


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Why do I see a bunch of machines that I don't want? Oh, because it's BROADCASTING?!

How do I turn off this Broadcast crap - I want very specific machines to be linked - not every damn one in my office!

What the hell happened since the last time I installed this that I now have ZERO f****ing control over this program that runs at a VERY LOW LEVEL of the OS? It's acting more like spyware. I WAS recommending this to others at work but now I can't do so in good conscious due to security/privacy concerns.

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This concern has been raised on many occasions (by me as well when I first upgraded). The idea was a plug and play setup, but those of us advanced users do not want that. We want to see what is under the hood and push buttons to make pretty lights flash.

Sarcasm aside, this is being resolved in the next major release in a few months. Please see the feature request forum for things you would like to see that you don't, and add to what others are suggesting. Your particular issue is covered here:

As far as every machine in your office being linked... Are they all running synergy and logged into the same account?

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  • Synergy Team

Actually Synergy 2 doesn’t broadcast (you’re thinking of Synergy 1). With S2, if you sign in with the same user account for 2 different people, then you’ll both share the same config. In this case, you need to make sure you instead purchase 2 separate licenses (one for each user). One license can be used on an unlimited number of computers, but they’ll all share the same config. That’s probably the issue you saw. Does that make sense? Have you contacted support yet?

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  • Synergy Team
32 minutes ago, Ascending Angel said:

So i have to pay twice just because i want two different user accounts on my computer?

Each concurrent user requires a license. But if you only 1 person is using Synergy at any given time, you could log in with the same Symless account on your computer for each user account.

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