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Preventing macOS from going to sleep (v2.0.4 and macOS 10.13.3)


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Just had a quick chat with support and it's apparently a known bug that affects <1% of users. Both of my Macs are experiencing the same issue where they (very often, but not 100% of the time) do not activate the screensaver or even go to sleep. The screen stays "awake" for days at time — like over a weekend, which is a fun surprise to come back to work to. O.o


Anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this? Worst case, I'm hoping this might resolve itself when 2.1 comes out later in the year.

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  • Synergy Team

Sorry about that, it's an annoying bug that we're aware of. We'll soon be adding a feature to disable the background service, so this should provide you with a workaround (albeit a tedious one). We will try to solve this issue for Synergy 2.1 (it affects me too).

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