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Joining the "There was a problem connecting to the auto-config service. Retry" club


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So, I installed 2.0.4 stable today, and cannot connect to the auto update service.

[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] debug: service log path: C:\ProgramData\Symless\Synergy\synergy-service.log
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] debug: install dir: C:\Program Files\Synergy
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] info: starting service...
[ Router  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] debug: binding to
[ Router  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] debug: Initialized
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] debug: creating rpc endpoints
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:31] debug: rpc endpoints created
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] debug: saying hello to config ui
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] debug: retrying websocket connection now
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] debug: connecting websocket: pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] error: websocket handshake error 3: WebSocket upgrade handshake failed
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] error: websocket handshake response 400: Bad Request
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] debug: clearing last profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] debug: retrying websocket connection in 9s
[ Config  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] debug: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud
[ Config  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:39] debug: service cloud connection error
[ Config  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:39] debug: service cloud connection error
[ Config  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:39] debug: service cloud connection error
[ Config  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:40] debug: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2018-01-26T10:28:44] info: Sending log file...

So I tried to curl the url, and get the 400 error when not defining as an https request.

Without https -

/mnt/c/Windows/System32$ curl pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
<head><title>400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
<center>The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port</center>

With https -

/mnt/c/Windows/System32$ curl https://pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

I have manually removed, rebooted before and after, restarted the synergy service, tried on more than one machine. 

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jml, I am behind a firewall, however, if it is using port 443, then it isn't blocked. I only block non-defined inbound ports. As you can see from my curl attempts, both resolved the server. Only the non-https request received the 400 error.

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Fair enough. Some of the content-monitoring appliances are quite restrictive, and I was lumping those under the classification of "firewalls". On the other hand, I tried your curl test from here, and I got the exact same responses -- but Synergy's working fine. 

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Ive been using Synergy for *at least* 5 years, and purchased my upgrade to Synergy 2 in April of 2017. I was disappointed shortly thereafter with constant issues with mouse clicks not being sent to my client machine and requiring the server service to be restarted (from the app) about every day or two. I finally got fed up again today and tried to install Synergy 2.0.4-stable, and im  just getting these "There was a problem connecting to the auto-config service" errors. 

I am behind a firewall but we do not have any content filtering in place and I can request a certain amount of changes to our fw config if they can be appropriately justified, but honestly i don't think that will fix the issue.

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jml, Thank you for the response. I am not running anything except windows defender right now. I checked and synergy is already allowed through. I had no issue on the first two beta versions.

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I have made a support ticket and i'm waiting to hear from Symless, but in the meantime i've already found a [possibly temporary] replacement that works for me in my windows-only environment, made by Microsoft. You can probably google and find the one im referring to.

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  • Synergy Team
On 26/01/2018 at 4:30 PM, jwestyp said:

[ Service ] [2018-01-26T10:28:38] error: websocket handshake response 400: Bad Request

This is the issue. There's a bug in the client side connection code. We're working on a fix for this right now.

Please raise a support ticket: https://symless.com/contact/customer-support

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