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Puzzled noob


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I have just downloaded/started 'trying' to use symless synergy 2.04 on two pc. It sort of works, i.e. I can see my cursur moving around around on the other monitor, I can open files etc on the other machine, but I cannot drag things from one to the other which was my primary purpose buying it. When I look for help on the internet i can only find earlier version instructions where they talk of clients and servers, and configure screens,I have seen none of these!! where the hell are they?? I just get two boxs (representing my two pcs) no adjustments or configurations, there is a little dot at the bottom of one of the boxs, I can make it go to the other one, maybe this means client/server??? HELP PLEASE, how do I 'configure it' thanks in advance.

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You posted this on the wrong forum. I will react accordingly and move it to S2 support.

I will come back on these forums later to assist you with your issue. In the meantime, please refer to the pinned instructions in Synergy 2 self-support to try mitigating your issue temporarily.

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