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Can't get Synergy Working


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Hi all,

Been speaking with Synergy support since before the holidays but had no luck, hoping that we can get this issue fixed by posting here. I'm currently unable to get Synergy working, despite trying version 2 and also version 1.7 and fiddling with all the settings. My current network set up is that I have internet that is provided for me by my university but I have to log in and register each device, so I am wondering if this kind of network is the issue and if there is any workarounds to enable sharing? I've attached my logs, let me know if theres anything I can try on any versions of Synergy that can prevent these issues.

https://pastebin.com/uQjBXYbP - Windows 10 Server

https://pastebin.com/jWAjzwJv - Mac OS X Sierra Client

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I was getting the same error. It seems that Synergy did not add firewall rules for itself. One the Windows PC (from an admin command prompt) do:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Synergy Server" dir=in program="C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergy-service.exe" action=allow


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I was getting the same error. It seems that Synergy did not add firewall rules for itself. One the Windows PC (from an admin command prompt) do:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Synergy Server" dir=in program="C:\Program Files\Synergy\synergy-service.exe" action=allow

Also it seems like your Mac is acting as the server and Windows as the client? Right click your Windows desktop in Synergy and click "Share from <pc name>"

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Hi Sean, thanks for trying to help. Followed your instructions after again following the proper uninstall instructions i found on this forum and installing the latest version of synergy, to no avail unfortunately. I've uploaded new logs, if someone could take another look at them for me that would be hugely appreciated. I've also technically still not had it confirmed that synergy can operate using such a network, can anyone who is using such a set up in a university network or similar please let me know? Is it also possible Sean the mac is trying to act as a server because it cannot communicate with my windows 10 pc or something along those lines?

https://pastebin.com/TB1ZrL8S - Windows

https://pastebin.com/KnCnbLdV - Mac

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