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Failure to Install on Debian


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On 12/20/2017 at 2:44 PM, jeffl said:

How about having it even install on Debian? I know 12 dollars isn't a lot of money but selling something you know doesn't even work is fraud.

If you consider Synergy v2 to be a 'fraud', I would suggest that a refund be requested by emailing refunds@symless.com and using your $12 investment on something that may increase your productivity flow. Perhaps you may request a v.1.8 or v1.9rc3 license key from them if that will work better for you?

As this is not a feedback request and rather a technical concern (failure to install), I will move this to the Self-Support forum. 

If you'd like us with your installation failure, please provide us with some more detail. What version of Debian? What's the issue you're encountering (more specific than failure to install, like the error messages and all of that).

Edited by Kelvin Tran
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  • Kelvin Tran changed the title to Failure to Install on Debian

Great attitude there Kelvin. I did send in an email to tech support, they told me they knew it didn't install on Linux variants and they had no idea when it would be fixed.

And as a matter of fact I do have a license for 1.8.

Pissing off your customers is no way to run a business.



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1 minute ago, jeffl said:

Great attitude there Kelvin. I did send in an email to tech support, they told me they knew it didn't install on Linux variants and they had no idea when it would be fixed.

And as a matter of fact I do have a license for 1.8.

Pissing off your customers is no way to run a business.

Okay. You said you have a license for 1.8. Maybe it's time to use it?

So you sent an email to tech support. They said they know it's an issue. So why are you coming here to complain about it?

"Pissing off your customers is no way to run a business." | Customer satisfaction is Symless' first goal. Profitability, however, comes in as a close second. We're trying to keep you all as happy as possible, and if that means sending you to an email where you can get a refund so that your investment can be put into software/hardware implementations that works for you, then we'll do it. If YOU want to stay with Synergy despite the fact that it doesn't work for your uses, then wait patiently for there to be a fix and don't come to the forums complaining about something that you have already complained about to a technical support staff member for Synergy, as it distracts from the environment of the forums and you're also taking the time of valuable members of the community that have to help with issues that haven't already been addressed.

Also, welcome to the Troll Cave! Enjoy it here.

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