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Win XP


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Sorry, but as has been mentioned in other posts by @Nick Bolton, the system requirements are for newer operating systems than XP.

Is XP necessary for the workloads that you're using Synergy 2 for?

If it is (which I assume so), then wait for v2.1 (I believe), as that should include support for the older OSs that still run NT but are out of "support", like Vista and XP.

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No need to be sorry, when I first downloaded v1.8 XP was supported. 

If I was to upgrade this particular computer to a newer version of Windows

it would cost thousands of $$$ to upgrade my engineering software.  

XP handles all these programs with no problem. So, for now it looks like

v1.8. A useful tool.


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windows 10 seems to have very good backwards compatibility, is it possible to try to install the software on another machine? or a virtual box if necessary.

engineering software does indeed cost a lot, and you probably have everything setup, and Windows XP runs very fine and good. but if possible you should try(without risking your workflow of course) and upgrade to windows 10. staying on windows XP could create compatibility issues with other software.

honestly, it's a shame there are very few engineering applications on linux, it could provide a very stable system with a long lifespan.

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On 3/1/2018 at 6:40 AM, Nick Bolton said:

Most likely in 2.1.

Hi Nick, you should post on de Download page that for now it isn't suported XP.
I just found out that Synergy 2 its Resleased and was gratefully pleased, so unistalled 1.8.8 on all my machines, just to found out that it doesn't work on my main work pc wich has XP running.
Happy New year team, & waiting to ver 2.1 ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Synergy Team

Currently, 0.39% of our Windows users are on XP (76% of Windows users are on Windows 10). However, we will try our best to support XP in 2.1.

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2 minutes ago, Nick Bolton said:

Currently, 0.39% of our Windows users are on XP

Haha! xD

To be honest, I expected more. There's still a lot more professional software that people use the older versions for and therefore, have to use an older (and unsupported) operating system in order to ensure the best possible compatibility.

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  • Synergy Team

Luckily, Microsoft doesn't make it too hard to support XP, so it should be possible.

Fun fact: We actually have a Synergy museum at the Symless office, one of those computers is running XP.

  • Haha 1
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  • 2 months later...

XP computers like V1.8.8 however win 7 computer is not excepted. Says "failed to connect to server"

XP computer says "failed to launch, error"


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