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The 4th Dimension

Austin K Gatlin

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Austin K Gatlin

Just a suggestion and not urgent at all, but I've noticed that in some games and software, where moving the mouse beyond the screen limits, isn't possible. For example, in a 1st of 3rd person video game there is no limit to the screen size because it is essentially the world that moves around the screen.

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There have been complaints about gaming in regards to Synergy's handling of mouse movements, since they can be quite different in games.

Symless, as far as I'm aware, is yet to address these concerns. @Nick Bolton, any plan?

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was possible in the original Synergy, but required the Mouse to be locked to the Screen and use Relative Pointer Movement there. Didnt try any Games in Synergy 2 so far, but maybe it works already when locking the Mouse Pointer to the Screen with [Scroll Lock] ?

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  • Synergy Team
On 22/12/2017 at 7:57 PM, Kelvin Tran said:

Symless, as far as I'm aware, is yet to address these concerns. @Nick Bolton, any plan?

This will probably be fixed in 2.1 or 2.2.

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