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Features from Synergy 1, lost in Synergy 2 (Remote/local connectivity)


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Quick synopsis. On my desk I have four workstations.

macOS + macOS + macOS + Win10

The network's are all local except one.

macOS (local) + macOS (local) + macOS (remote) + Win10

That "remote" workstation is my main company machine, which is connected via a "virtual office" router, and with Synergy 1, it was easy to just say "the server is at this hostname" -- that hostname was internet resolvable, to my home IP address, and then translated inbound to my one macOS workstation that served as the server.

Synergy 2 has disabled this, or it's just not functioning. When I look in the logs of my remote workstation, it's trying to connect to my home (local) IP (not internet IP) of 172.16.5.x -- obviously there is no route in place from my corporate workstation to make it home, as that's an RFC1918 address, and thus is bit-bucketed somewhere.

I realize this might be a little "fringe" for a use case, but it's been my go-to setup for years, and now, with Synergy 2, it's gone.

Plans to fix?

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I don't think this is a fringe case at all, lots of people need to connect across networks.  Is this use case not supposed to be working in Synergy 2?  I actually had high hopes that with this new software architecture it would help synergy work over VPN's because a lot of times work vpn's do not allow dual-homed connections so the only way to connect would be over the public internet even though both machines are on the same local network.


Please say this is something that should work, I noticed mine is also trying to connect to the local ip rather than the public.

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I hope this feature becomes available in Synergy 2. I am about to uninstall and go back to the previous Synergy because I need to be able to connect across a VPN or ssh tunnel. Also the configuration is too dependent on the web and doesn't work over a proxy (what?).

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I have gone back to Ver 1.8.

I am FAR too dependent on all of my devices being able to connect via 1 keyboard and mouse. IE: WebEx on one machine running, lab on another machine, corporate machine on another...

It just worked so well on 1.8...


Edited by iamjonathanwoods
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Good luck with support ticket after two days of them sending me emails saying they had a surge in support tickets they sent me one saying there was no support offered to come to forums to see if someone could help.   This company has gone way down hill

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haha - yeah I got that response, but also another one from a woman named Sarah:


"We'll be adding offline configuration and cloud bridging for tricky networks in Synergy 2.1 which is due early 2018."

So that's promising. We'll see what it fixes...

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I have the same issue.  After going back and forth for quite some time they referred me to the forums.  After checking the log files it appears that the machine that's off-network and not working is attempting to communicate with the local IP of the host machine.  Will look into this further later.

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