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Synergy 2 doesn't work - microsoft-account?


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I wrote a couple of support tickets, but got no real answer, so I hope you can help me here. 

I downloaded Synergy 2 a couple of days ago and it doesn't work. I already reinstalled it on both of my computers, restarted the services but it still doesn't work. I'm logged in on  both of my computers with my microsoft-account, so both of my computers are named "Lukas", I don't know if that is a problem, and if it is, I tried to change the new, but I don't really know how. There has to be some kind of connection between my computers because if I start Synergy 2 on both, I can drag the "screen" in the main window of Synergy on one computer and it moves on the other as well.

I hope you can help me, 


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