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Multiple Hot Zones / Monitors


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Hello Folks,

I have the following setup:

|          ||          ||          |
| CLIENT 1 ||  SERVER  || CLIENT 1 |
|          ||          ||          |

No matter which side I place the client within the synergy app, I enter the correct monitor as Synergy seems to understand the layout of my monitors on the client (despite obviously not knowing there is a server monitor in the center). Ideally, I'd have the ability to add a second "client" box on the other side of my server (so Synergy looks like the diagram above) which would connect me into the client on the appropriate monitor when moving through the appropriate server monitors side.


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G. James Berigan

You can manually edit the "~/Library/Synergy/synergy.conf" file so that left and right from server both lead to client 1, and left and right from client 1 lead to server. But because Synergy 2 fetches a new configuration file from the cloud on launch, it blows away any customized configuration file, so you need to set its user immutable bit ("chflags uchg synergy.conf") before quitting the "synergy-service" with Activity Monitor (or restarting) so that it can't blow the setting file away. If you need to edit it again, "chflags nouchg synergy.conf" first. (Use "man chflags" to learn more about this command.)

Hopefully Synergy 2 will allow customizing the synergy.conf file in the cloud for power-user configurations like this. Also needed for configuring layouts where neighboring screens on different systems are of differing sizes or otherwise complex layout.

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