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Problem Connecting to the Background Service


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I tired all the new versions for nearly a month now, and I still get the problem with the background service.

I tired to send the log, but it is empty: Log Output

Looking at the logs on my computer, I noticed that there is no entry since 4 November. Latest Log entry

I killed all the services in Activity monitor, but there is no change.

I then tried to follow the uninstall steps here but got stuck at step one:

launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist

~ ᐅ ls /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist
ls: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist: No such file or directory

~ ᐅ ls /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.v2.synergyd.plist
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   623B Oct 10 09:17 /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.v2.synergyd.plist

Are synergy-service.plist and v2.synergyd.plist the same?

Is there a better way to fix this problem?



Mac OS : 10.13.1
Synergy: v2.0.2-stable_b1153-665fa610

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I have this issue as well on macOS Sierra 10.12. 

Regretting this upgrade and the money I spent on it, Synergy 1 was ugly to setup but it at least worked and did the job.

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I had the same issue. 


I resolved it by installing the 2.0.3 stable release. Then I upgraded to 2.0.4 and all is well. No idea why it wouldn't work with just 2.0.4, but luckily I still had the 2.0.3 installer. 


EDIT: Never mind, only connected for a bit and now won't connect to the background service. Back to 2.0.3 I guess. 

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7 hours ago, Payam M said:

I personally haven't bothered with 2.0, considered the license I bought a loss and went back to 1.0 that actually works reliably.

I was even too lazy to downgrade... Every now and then I check for updates, other then that I got used to not using it at all... a shame...

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