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Problem connecting to the auto-config service

Kevin Farley

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Why on earth would you make it need connect to some server to work? even if I use proxy, only managed to allow mac version to connect, failed on windows.

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9 hours ago, UltimateOutsider said:

Well, unlike every other internet application I use on Ubuntu, Synergy 2 doesn't seem capable of working through an internet proxy- at least not by using the system's proxy settings. (Perhaps there's a manual config file option you can tweak?) If you are behind a firewall, this is probably the problem. See this thread. I just uninstalled and went back to version 1.8.

In my case Synergy2 isn't explicitly being blocked by any firewall, the application is just not honoring my system's internet proxy settings. I am wondering whether they actually developed this tool without proxy support? Previous versions didn't need it, but now that you have to sign on to a cloud account...

im not behind a firewall, just a plain NAT and i use no Proxy to connect to the world. besides, the software has not problem to connect from my Windows 10 machine which is on the same network. Is there a way to trust the self signed certificate under Linux, until they have a "real" one? not the best idea but maybe a workaround for now.

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10 hours ago, CCCC said:

Why on earth would you make it need connect to some server to work? even if I use proxy, only managed to allow mac version to connect, failed on windows.

My guess is: The purpose was to make it so configuration was not necessary.

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On 11/27/2017 at 7:19 PM, Heidi said:

It's an issue with the self-signed SSL certificate. Self-Signed certificates are not trusted by default. I believe Nick will need to install the the self-signed cert as a trusted server. Self-Signed certificates are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

i imported the certificate on my arch linux, openssl verification is fine now

Certificate chain
 0 s:/CN=
Server certificate
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA512
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 1331 bytes and written 269 bytes
Verification: OK

but the synergy daemon still can't connect

Nov 28 19:30:17 ikarus synergy-service[13642]: [ Service ] [2017-11-28T19:30:17] debug: connecting websocket: pubsub1.cloud.symless.com:443
Nov 28 19:30:17 ikarus synergy-service[13642]: [ Service ] [2017-11-28T19:30:17] error: websocket handshake error 3: WebSocket Upgrade handshake failed
Nov 28 19:30:17 ikarus synergy-service[13642]: [ Service ] [2017-11-28T19:30:17] error: websocket handshake response 400: Bad Request


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Yes, it looks like the cert issue got fixed. I was able to successfully sign into synergy on my Linux PC. Now I am having issues with the RPC connection.

[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:06] debug: Route table contents:
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:06] debug:    Route 1: dest 13458, cost 1, path [13458]
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:06] debug: Handler failed to process core client message: HelloBack: [[version, [1, 6]], [screen_name, imladras]]
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:06] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:08] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:09] error: Router couldn't send message to 18960, route is missing

[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:09] debug: Route table contents:
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:09] debug:    Route 1: dest 13458, cost 1, path [13458]
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:09] debug: Handler failed to process core client message: HelloBack: [[version, [1, 6]], [screen_name, imladras]]
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:09] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:10] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for LAPUS4VJP2G2 from screen 13458
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:11] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:11] debug: Error reading from core client: Bad file descriptor
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:11] debug: Terminating core client read loop
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:11] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for LAPUS4VJP2G2 from screen 13458
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:14] debug: Saying Hello to core client
[ Router  ] [2017-11-28T14:11:15] error: Router couldn't send message to 18960, route is missing


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On 11/28/2017 at 1:14 AM, CCCC said:


guys.. try sharemouse.

it just works! and two computer sync mouse & keyboard is FREE!!  file drop functions available on pro.

Cheers for that, just trying out ShareMouse and it is working pretty well!

It's nice to not have to worry about these annoying cloud service requirements, security/privacy concerns associated with unknown data traffic to and from said cloud service as well as the annoying dumbed down interface with no settings or configuration. ShareMouse enables you to turn off broadcasting your connection info on the LAN as well, and turn on encrypted traffic across the LAN. ShareMouse may well enable me to dump Synergy 2.x! I'll trial ShareMouse for a week or so before requesting a refund from Symless.

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This has got to be the single most disastrous "update" of a product.  Someone on this production team needs to be fired.  Why in the world would you put this out for testing when it's been such a failure?

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Strangely enough, I was able to connect right away on a Win10 bootcamp with the 64bit version, but on my Win10 desktop the 64 bit version had the same problem as OP and a few others here.  I performed a clean uninstall as outlined in the relevant sticky thread here, then installed the 32 bit version on a whimsical last ditch effort.  Fired right up, and now have actually used a mouse and keyboard on a computer that they weren't physically connected to, for the first time /ever/ on Synergy v2.x ...   smh

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Oh man - i really should have read this thread before pushing the "upgrade to synergy 2 pro" button. I'm using Synergy almost 10 yrs i guess and always was a fan. Thus I even was'nt aware of such an insane design decision as to make this tool 100% "cloud" dependent. Would i have known i certainly would not have bought into the upgrade

Until a totally cloud/web service- less, operation and manual config mode is available, this V2 is absolutely unusable for me - if i would'nt have read the post about this offline mode, i would immediately have requested a refund

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spacefrog:  I did the same thing during the beta.  There were a few things that bugged me about whatever 1.x version I was on and I thought... great!  A new version... well that beta test failed so spectacularly that I decided to wait until the full version came out and here we are again.  I get no options at all to manually configure anything just a banner at the top that says "There was a problem connecting to the auto-config service.  Retry"  

This has to be the worst regression of any relatively stable and mature product I've ever seen.  It went from the best thing since sliced bread to literally, completely unusable (in beta and "stable").  It should have never made it out of beta without the offline configuration re-instated.


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I hope that misery loves company in this thread... and I'm glad I paid only $12US for the upgrade to v2 Pro.  The upgrade is unusable as is.  Even when it does work it doesn't last long. Cloud config is a disaster without any way to cache settings locally to endure network outages.  I'll drop back to v1.8 and pretend this never happened. 

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If Symless had any class they'd just refund everyone who paid for this disaster - or at least promise a free upgrade to version 3 when that comes out (if they're still in business that long).

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Mike Van Pelt

Yeah... I've gotten enough value out of Synergy over the years that I don't begrudge paying for the 2.x upgrade.  I'm sure it'll become usable eventually.  But it sure is annoying in the meantime; I've become very dependent on this software.  I think I can limp through the reset of the week without it, in hopes that the weekend release makes it usable again; if not, I'll have to go back to 1.8.

I really, *really* want local config with no cloud entanglements.  That's another reason I'll be going back to 1.8 if that isn't fixed in 2.1.

Yeah, sharemouse?  No Linux support, so complete non-starter.

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This is disturbing. Staying reliant on cloud services is not acceptable to me. I've been trying to get away from as many "cloud" or software as a service applications as possible. The lack of any apparent help menu or documentation in the main window isn't helpful either. 

I'm going to downgrade to 1.8 and get a refund until/if a full offline version is implemented. 

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Mike Van Pelt

And, it's started working again.  I did a "service synergy restart" (this is on Linux) which seemed to take a huge amount of time.  While I was working on something else, I noticed that my cursor could once again move between computers, and the restart had finished.


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7 minutes ago, Mike1491392613 said:

And, it's started working again.  I did a "service synergy restart" (this is on Linux) which seemed to take a huge amount of time.  While I was working on something else, I noticed that my cursor could once again move between computers, and the restart had finished.



What is your configuration like?

I am trying to share my Windows 10 keyboard and mouse to a Mac with OS 10.12.6, and to a Linux Fedora 27 workstation. I can't do anything with the rLinux system. The Synergy logs don't show any attempts to go to its screen, while the Synergy UI across all three systems is able to log in and shows the three systems. I am looking for any crumbs here to try to make the paid upgrade actually worth the money.

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Mike Van Pelt

That's the thing with 2.0 ... there is no "configuration".  My Linux desktop and my Windows laptop are right next to each other, on the same subnet.  When I registered them with the cloud service, they appeared on the Synergy setup screen.

Oh, interesting... there is a /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf file in use by synergy-core.  It looks very much like the 1.8 synergy.conf file.  Since this is automatically generated, messing with it might be a questionable idea.

section: screens
    halfDuplexCapsLock = false
    halfDuplexNumLock = false
    halfDuplexScrollLock = false
    xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false
    switchCorners = none
    switchCornerSize = 0
    halfDuplexCapsLock = false
    halfDuplexNumLock = false
    halfDuplexScrollLock = false
    xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false
    switchCorners = none
    switchCornerSize = 0

section: links
    down(6.97674,100) = Asus1(0,93.0233)
    up(0,93.0233) = mvanpelt-desktop(6.97674,100)

section: options
  relativeMouseMoves = false
  screenSaverSync = true
  win32KeepForeground = false
  switchCorners = none
  switchCornerSize = 0

/var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log is logging the comings and goings between the two systems.

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Mike Van Pelt

ls -l /usr/bin/synergy* and run some of those with --help options returns some interesting possibilities.  (Of course, all of this is poking the unfamiliar mechanism with an unfolded coathanger.   Warning, Shock hazard, no user serviceable parts inside.)

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I've been using Synergy 1.x for a couple years now.  The only problems I've had are:

a) copy/paste across systems stops working - stop service and reconnect fixes it.

b) randomly stops working - same solution as above

So since Nick has always been cool, I thought I'd try v2 after a small fee.  Here are my thoughts:

a) Overly simple interface is not helpful.  We're mostly techy and as such we need to see and configure under the covers a bit

b) Received "problem connecting to auto-config service", so that's what lead me to this thread

c) Cloud integration seems like the trendy thing to do, but it puts an extra layer between me and my screen sharing software - not helpful!

d) I had 5 screens configured on 3 PC's for testing.  When I removed one of the computers, the screen would not remove from the others.  I tried dragging them off the screen and just about everything else to get rid of them.  I failed and got frustrated.

Based on the above, I also went back to 1.8 and will happily deal with the niggles that came with that over this "new" version!  Unimpressed and saddened from all the wasted time...

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