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Synergy 2 - How to delete a computer


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  • Kelvin Tran changed the title to Synergy 2 - How to delete a computer
  • Kelvin Tran locked and unlocked this topic

Same here, really annoying since i setup a lot of workstations and the screen gets more and more crowded with orphaned Computers.

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Yes! when I changed network domain, it comes 2 window. I'd like to set the window every time instead of more and more window in my narrow window

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Yes please!!

I renamed one of the computers (actually I just changed a lowercase letter to an uppercase letter to be more consistent with all my other machines... ) and that creates a lot of problems because the matching of screens from the synergy.conf is done by the name of the computer and is case insensitive.. 

I had to delete the entry from the .conf by hand and make that file write protected so that the auto config service won't overwrite it again .. 


Really annoying!

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You don't need to +1 this; it's coming in 2.1 as stated in the first sticky of this forum. I do agree, though; this is a standard feature of the software, and they should not have release a 2.0 stable build without this. 2.0 should have had all of the features available in 1.x, at the very least.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poor design from the get go! Synergy 1 was way better even though it had its bugs! Synergy 2 is CRAPware! I mean no preferences? Really? No ability to remove systems that are no longer available! No ability on start-up etc. I mean come on! You go from a buggy system to just complete crap!


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Yep, same problem here. This is absurd. I've had issues with SSL autoconfig and am struggling to maintain a consistent connection between my Windows 10 Pro system and my Mac, and I have about 6 device aliases that I need to delete at this point. This is a garbage update. 

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