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Problem connecting to the background service

Sans Souci

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Just purchase this software and I'm receiving the above error - very frustrating, I'm using version 2.0.1on a iMac5k and the other a rMBP. Shouldn't be selling software that is so buggy.

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Technically, it's not the software that's "so buggy"; it's the network to which it's attached. Nonetheless, your frustration is noted and appreciated, and we'll add you to the very long list of folks who wish that Synergy's need to connect outside is A: OPTIONAL and B: DEFAULTED TO OFF.

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I tried joining both machines via ethernet and network switch, still they would not recognise each other despite me being able to view the contents of each machine and vice versa through Finder. A failure analysis of the software should be standard practice before going commercial rather than having the customers do the work, just leaves a bad taste. Perhaps I'm short on patience, but then you buy something you expect it to work from the off.

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