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Actually i have licence for Synergy 2 Pro, but there isn't binary for arch linux. And no source, so i can't compile it myself. I think, there will be other distributions with same problem.

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Just use the Arch User Repository (AUR)...


Here's a quick rundown.

$ pacman -S git   # ensure you have git
$ git clone 'https://aur.archlinux.org/synergy2.git'  # clone the repository from aur
$ cd synergy2  # cd into the directory
$ cat PKGBUILD  # ensure the PKGBUILD isn't sketchy
$ makepkg -sri  # build the package with makepkg
# -s for sync dependencies,
# -r for remove build dependencies after (which are only required for compilation / packaging)
# -i for install successfully built package


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20 hours ago, siphon said:

Just use the Arch User Repository (AUR)...


Here's a quick rundown.

$ pacman -S git   # ensure you have git
$ git clone 'https://aur.archlinux.org/synergy2.git'  # clone the repository from aur
$ cd synergy2  # cd into the directory
$ cat PKGBUILD  # ensure the PKGBUILD isn't sketchy
$ makepkg -sri  # build the package with makepkg
# -s for sync dependencies,
# -r for remove build dependencies after (which are only required for compilation / packaging)
# -i for install successfully built package


Thank you for the instructions Siphon. 

I have it installed and my Windows and Arch computers can see each other, but nothing happens when I drag the cursor any edges from any computer. 

Logs dont show any errors.... 

Does anyone manage to make it work between windows and linux yet?

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I can't get it working between my Arch Linux (master) and my OSX Sierra Macbook Pro (slave). I get errors regarding my .Xauthority cookie ("can't open DISPLAY :0"). I saw someone had a workaround that involved removing ~/.Xauthority, but it does not work for me.

You should tail all your synergy logs ( tail -F /var/log/synergy/synergy-*.log ). Look for "Warning"s (Really, they are errors) like these: 

[2017-11-20T14:31:50] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
[2017-11-20T14:31:50] WARNING: secondary screen unavailable: unable to open screen

I simply went back to Synergy 1.8.x. It works nearly flawlessly from Linux (host) => OSX (slave), and works with quirks from Windows (host) => Linux (guest) with modifier keys like Super (windows key) getting stuck in sometimes.

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Got some additional logs using with `journalctl -f`

I think we might be needing to open display :1 instead of :0 (when I start my x11vnc, i need to start it on :1 instead of :0.)

Any way to pass that to synergy-core?

Nov 21 10:41:38 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:41:38] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:41:47] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: No protocol specified
Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:41:47] WARNING: primary screen unavailable: unable to open screen
Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:41:47] DEBUG: retry in 60 seconds

Nov 21 10:41:49 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:41:49] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:41:59 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:41:59] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:42:09 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:42:09] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:42:19 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:42:19] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:42:30 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:42:30] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:42:40 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:42:40] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263
Nov 21 10:42:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:42:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:42:47] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
Nov 21 10:42:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:42:47] debug: No protocol specified
Nov 21 10:42:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:42:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:42:47] WARNING: primary screen unavailable: unable to open screen
Nov 21 10:42:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:42:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:42:47] DEBUG: retry in 60 seconds

Nov 21 10:42:50 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Router  ] [2017-11-21T10:42:50] debug: ClientProxy: Received client connection for 95GPQ72 from screen 33263

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Your issue is different than mine. I run BSPWM on :0.

$ echo $DISPLAY

From what I've read, Synergy2 currently only likes DISPLAY :0 by default.

You can change it by setting DISPLAY=:1 in the /usr/lib/systemd/system/synergy.service as mentioned in this thread.

Also these specific lines:

11 minutes ago, The_Vulpecula said:

Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:41:47] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: No protocol specified
Nov 21 10:41:47 archlinux synergy-service[7456]: [ Core    ] [2017-11-21T10:41:47] debug: [2017-11-21T10:41:47] WARNING: primary screen unavailable: unable to open screen

These lines are due to the $HOME/.Xauthority as I mentioned.

You can read more at this link.

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Hi Siphon, 

I just made it work by running the core like this (as the user, not root.): /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --debug DEBUG --name archlinux --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address :24800

  1. I stopped the service.
  2. I ran the synergy-core --server
  3. I started the service.
  4. I use "share from" on the windows computer. 

I will try to update the synergy.service file. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/21/2017 at 4:19 PM, siphon said:

I can't get it working between my Arch Linux (master) and my OSX Sierra Macbook Pro (slave). I get errors regarding my .Xauthority cookie ("can't open DISPLAY :0"). I saw someone had a workaround that involved removing ~/.Xauthority, but it does not work for me.

You should tail all your synergy logs ( tail -F /var/log/synergy/synergy-*.log ). Look for "Warning"s (Really, they are errors) like these: 

[2017-11-20T14:31:50] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
[2017-11-20T14:31:50] WARNING: secondary screen unavailable: unable to open screen

I simply went back to Synergy 1.8.x. It works nearly flawlessly from Linux (host) => OSX (slave), and works with quirks from Windows (host) => Linux (guest) with modifier keys like Super (windows key) getting stuck in sometimes.

Did you ever get around to resolving your 2.0 problems?
From what I've seen it might also be somewhat related to user-based permissions, the default service by sinergy 2.0 is probably creating a global service, instead of a user based one, which conflicts with X.

All in all, I have the same issue and I am tempted to just grab 1.8 instead.
It doesn't help that there is barely any documentation on 2.0 to be found.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2017-11-21 at 11:08 AM, The_Vulpecula said:

Hi Siphon, 

I just made it work by running the core like this (as the user, not root.): /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --debug DEBUG --name archlinux --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address :24800

  1. I stopped the service.
  2. I ran the synergy-core --server
  3. I started the service.
  4. I use "share from" on the windows computer. 

I will try to update the synergy.service file. 

Thank you, I made mine work I just copy and paste your command line (Change the --name to my actual computer name) and it work Great. However I don't have the GUI where I can position the screen. However I can stop and restart with synergy-config and position my screen then stop it and restart with your cmd line. Or I can use windows my 2nd computer to setup the layout.

Now I have a functional Synergy2. 

First time I tried the synergy-config only gave me the XopenDisplay ... no protocol error like the post above.


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The last post was late at night on my first day after installing synergy 2 from AUR with Yaourt. It didn't come with any instruction so I didn't know what I was doing. I still don't know what I'm doing but that an other thing :D

I edit my 


add the


as explain in 

My correct display is :0 the thread is to set the display as :1 but set with your actual display

The environnement variable need be add to the synergy.service otherwise it does not work

restart the service with systemctl (after reload with 'systemctl daemon-reload')

Now everything work great.

synergy-config work to set up the screen 


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Update day 3 well the service start by systemd no longer work it has the same display problem. Well I can start it with 'synergy-service &' ( command line as root with the & to put it in background) now it work fine but don't autostart with systemd.  

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On 11/21/2017 at 5:08 PM, The_Vulpecula said:

Hi Siphon, 

I just made it work by running the core like this (as the user, not root.): /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --debug DEBUG --name archlinux --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address :24800

  1. I stopped the service.
  2. I ran the synergy-core --server
  3. I started the service.
  4. I use "share from" on the windows computer. 

I will try to update the synergy.service file. 


On 12/16/2017 at 4:27 AM, DangPTran said:

Thank you, I made mine work I just copy and paste your command line (Change the --name to my actual computer name) and it work Great. However I don't have the GUI where I can position the screen. However I can stop and restart with synergy-config and position my screen then stop it and restart with your cmd line. Or I can use windows my 2nd computer to setup the layout.

Now I have a functional Synergy2. 

First time I tried the synergy-config only gave me the XopenDisplay ... no protocol error like the post above.



While this seems to work if you keep the server on the Arch side,
I'm still tinkering with keeping the server on the windows side.

I'm still wondering how to reliably connect to the windows side via the client on Arch.
This is what I was testing.

~ ❯ /usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 1000 --debug DEBUG --name |Arch Client Name| --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log |Windows Local IP|:24000

Though I cannot get a stable connection going between the windows server/arch client.

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On 11/21/2017 at 4:19 PM, siphon said:

I can't get it working between my Arch Linux (master) and my OSX Sierra Macbook Pro (slave). I get errors regarding my .Xauthority cookie ("can't open DISPLAY :0"). I saw someone had a workaround that involved removing ~/.Xauthority, but it does not work for me.

You should tail all your synergy logs ( tail -F /var/log/synergy/synergy-*.log ). Look for "Warning"s (Really, they are errors) like these: 

[2017-11-20T14:31:50] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0.0")
[2017-11-20T14:31:50] WARNING: secondary screen unavailable: unable to open screen

I simply went back to Synergy 1.8.x. It works nearly flawlessly from Linux (host) => OSX (slave), and works with quirks from Windows (host) => Linux (guest) with modifier keys like Super (windows key) getting stuck in sometimes.


arch linux seems to have this problem a lot. probably cuz of the hard installation, although antergos has the same issue. before this happens you should see a command starting with synergy-core. this is the actual command that starts synergy. copy this and paste it into the terminal.

already mentioned by someone else, didnt read the whole thread.

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On 12/18/2017 at 4:44 AM, DangPTran said:

Update day 3 well the service start by systemd no longer work it has the same display problem. Well I can start it with 'synergy-service &' ( command line as root with the & to put it in background) now it work fine but don't autostart with systemd.  

can you run systemctl start synergy and post the output here??

this will be fixed in 2.1 as far as I know 

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On 11/20/2017 at 7:38 PM, siphon said:

Just use the Arch User Repository (AUR)...


Here's a quick rundown.

$ pacman -S git   # ensure you have git
$ git clone 'https://aur.archlinux.org/synergy2.git'  # clone the repository from aur
$ cd synergy2  # cd into the directory
$ cat PKGBUILD  # ensure the PKGBUILD isn't sketchy
$ makepkg -sri  # build the package with makepkg
# -s for sync dependencies,
# -r for remove build dependencies after (which are only required for compilation / packaging)
# -i for install successfully built package


hmm, I recently changed the source to the official download page, it used to require a login but now its free and open.

but you should also add cat synergy2.install since that ae the post remove, install for pacman.

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On 2017-12-22 at 10:07 AM, jaap aarts said:

can you run systemctl start synergy and post the output here??

this will be fixed in 2.1 as far as I know 

Hi, I got it to work fine now and I think I know the reason why it didn't work at first. 

On my system I start Xorg with startx, so the systemd start the service before xorg is started I think it's not aware of the xorg display session or something even after xorg has started. I'm not knowledgeable enough to be sure but that the most likely culprit IMO

Now I start synergy in my windows manager rc and ajuste the permission with sudoer nopasswd  so I can execute as root from the rc 

If you still want the log

here with systemctl start synergy


The error is


[ Core    ] [2017-12-28T13:18:17] DEBUG: XOpenDisplay(":0")
[ Core    ] No protocol specified
[ Core    ] [2017-12-28T13:18:17] WARNING: secondary screen unavailable: unable to open screen
[ Core    ] [2017-12-28T13:18:17] DEBUG: retry in 60 seconds
[ Core    ] [2017-12-28T13:18:17] DEBUG: event queue is ready
Here with sudo synergy-service





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On 12/29/2017 at 2:50 AM, DangPTran said:

Hi, I got it to work fine now and I think I know the reason why it didn't work at first. 

On my system I start Xorg with startx, so the systemd start the service before xorg is started I think it's not aware of the xorg display session or something even after xorg has started. I'm not knowledgeable enough to be sure but that the most likely culprit IMO


arch linux seems to have this problem a lot, I think I heard that its gonna be fixed in 2.1. I'm not that sure though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/21/2017 at 10:08 AM, The_Vulpecula said:

Hi Siphon, 

I just made it work by running the core like this (as the user, not root.): /usr/bin/synergy-core --server -f --run-as-uid 1000 --debug DEBUG --name archlinux --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log -c /var/lib/synergy/synergy.conf --address :24800

  1. I stopped the service.
  2. I ran the synergy-core --server
  3. I started the service.
  4. I use "share from" on the windows computer. 

I will try to update the synergy.service file. 

I've gotten the same to work yet my display is :0 and  I notice we're listening to  instead of the  what I notice when I start synergy.service is that nothing is listening when I don't follow the method provided..  (*permissions*)?



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure if I should reply to this or start a new thread, but I've got it installed on Arch, but when I click the sign in button, and log in via Firefox, nothing happens inside the Synergy window, and I don't see anything happening in the log files. Has anyone else seen this?

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35 minutes ago, ImNtReal said:

I'm not sure if I should reply to this or start a new thread, but I've got it installed on Arch, but when I click the sign in button, and log in via Firefox, nothing happens inside the Synergy window, and I don't see anything happening in the log files. Has anyone else seen this?

Well, I got it to work by switching my default browser to Chrome.

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3 hours ago, jaap aarts said:

Are you the same person that commented on the AUR?

You should still send a report ticket to symless, https://symless.com/contact


Yes, and I did open a ticket, but then e-mailed asking to close it because their troubleshooting page mentions changing browsers. I haven't heard back from them, yet, though.

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