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Better uninstall

Mark Jaffe

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Looking at CapnJoe's script, I realized it would just not work as posted, especially if invoked with "sudo .\UninstallSynergy2.sh" command, since the backslash has a different meaning in bash shell on MacOS. If you run it as shown, the $USER variable becomes 'root' which will NOT remove your ~/Library/ directories as you intend.

Here's a better version of the script:


sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.symless.synergy.synergy-service.plist
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Synergy.app
sudo rm -rf /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/Symless
sudo rm -rf /Users/$USER/Library/Synergy
sudo killall -u $USER cfprefsd
sudo shutdown -r now

The first line tells the shell what program is used to run the script. Just invoke it as "./UninstallSynergy2.sh" or whatever you named it, you'll be prompted once for a password. Your system will reboot at the end.

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