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W10 Server, macOS 10.13.1 Client, no response from server's keyboard on the mac client


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Hey guys,

Just wanted to know abt the specs for the people who have a W10 Server & a macOS client, since I heard that the keyboard not working problem isn't common. if your keyboard works, I'm wondering what your specs are. I'm trying to debug this to see why this isn't working. I already sent an email to support, but I thought I'd ask the forums for help too.

Here are my logs:

W10 Server: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-11-13/11633-2017-11-13T17-47-22.log
macOS Client: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-11-13/11633-2017-11-13T17-46-03.log

Synergy version: 2.0.1

Client: macbookPro 2010 HS 10.13.1
Server: w10 v1709 desktop


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