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Copy and Paste stops working


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Next, I'm going to experiment with Increasing my Enable clipboard sharing to something more than 3 MB, and I might try to create some hot keys so that I can Copy and Paste without having to drag and drop my files, word, excel, pdfs,  images, dwgs, movies, etc.  When I do my video editing, I would love to just drag and drop video snippets from my Archive Computer to my editing computer seemlessly.  Heck, I'd be happy if I could dual boot into my legacy software in my XP hard drive and have Synergy take up where it left off! [so far, I have to use a combination of MWOB and Synergy to do so, and still use the latest edition of Synergy].  hint, hint, wink, wink!  Other programs have embraced compatibility mode, why not?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone

I too am a long time user.. works really well but have experienced copy and paste issues.  Mainly it stops working after a while.

I've always thought it was caused by filling up the clipboard cache.

Just read restarting Synergy on each machine fixes it, tried it and it did work.

I have found this possible fix for Windows10 user:

Have fun!

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  • 2 months later...

Does not work for me either. I use a notepad++ file on the server and have each machine have it up. Then cut paste into notepad save and it updates on the other computers. Kind of a poor mans version. Not going to use a windows login with MS. I only use local accounts.

Edited by eastsidebuzz
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using Synergy Pro 1.11.1-stable-55ec3105.

Windows (Host) on my left and Mac Catalina (Guest) on my right.

I've found that after a while, the clipboard for transferring copied text between the two stops working. I had to open the Synergy app on my Windows host and click Apply again to refresh the connection. Then the clipboard starts to work again. Annoying!

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  • 1 year later...

An example where the problem is not due to settings/bug from Symless:

I tried to copy code from one system to another with Synergy 2. Copying the code from Visual Studio Code didn't work. Opening the same code in Atom (another IDE), I could copy from the same file and paste it in my other system Visual Studio Code file.

TLDR: try different programs from where you're copying...

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  • 10 months later...

I am experiencing the copy/paste working for a while, stopping all of a sudden (usually within a day or two), then restarting synergy fixing it.

Still on Synergy 1 (Early Adopter).  Is this still an issue in Synergy 3?

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  • 1 month later...

works one way but not the other from Mac to PC, then stops working that way and works from PC to Mac...no pattern that I can see and Logitech Flow looking better to go back to.

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  • 3 months later...

This is still very much an issue in the latest and greatest version (Synergy 3). 

This bug has been there since release. The devs know about it, but for some reason don't have the capacity to fix it. Really a shame. This is a huge advertised feature and when it doesn't work half the time, is it really a feature at all anymore? 

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/16/2023 at 10:42 AM, Emirii said:

This is still very much an issue in the latest and greatest version (Synergy 3). 

This bug has been there since release. The devs know about it, but for some reason don't have the capacity to fix it. Really a shame. This is a huge advertised feature and when it doesn't work half the time, is it really a feature at all anymore? 

Seriously though. I just came back to Synergy from Input Director to see what's new. I paid the $9 to upgrade to Synergy 3 and now I'm wasting time trying to fix an issue they should have fixed a while back. It's ridiculous. I'm going back to Input Director. Free, open source and it actually works.


Edit: Input Director works with copying files and text. All seamlessly, easily, and fast. Oh yeah, and it's free.

Edited by ToonNBoon
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bought synergy 3 for the copy and paste as PowerToys Mouse without borders seem to not have these. I am considering now sharemouse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Still an issue in stable version 1.14.6 between 2 windows 10 PCs. Randomly stops working and the only solution is to restart synergy on either PC, doesn't matter if host/server. It's not specific to images or text, it affects everything when it happens.
I use synergy daily between 2 PCs and I typically have to restart it once every day. 

This issue was reported in 2017 and is still not fixed, which is a shame.

Edited by Scra34543
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On 4/2/2020 at 3:40 PM, Mark Burgess said:

I just leave the interface up (don't hide it) and hit APPLY.  The cursor jumps back to my server, as I would expect with stopping and restarting the service.  I'll try your solution to see if it's any quicker.  Thanks,


Agreed it's a shame this is still not addressed.

However, you do not have to stop/start synergy.  What I've found is on the host simply click Apply.  At least for me that gets copy/paste working again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me the issue persist on copying from Windows 11 Enterprise (22H2) to MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71) using Synergy

On 4/2/2020 at 6:04 PM, f209 said:

Create a batch file that has this in it:

cmd /c "net stop "Synergy" & sc start "Synergy""

I can confirm this still works for Synergy 3, albeit with a simple update to the service name:

cmd /c "net stop "Synergy 3 Daemon" & sc start "Synergy 3 Daemon""


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