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How to uninstall Synergy 2 Beta 5


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Here's what I did to get my stuff back up and running on 1.8.8:

Remove the following directories:

rm -rf ~/Library/Synergy
rm -rf /Applications/Synergy.app

Force quit Synergy, synergy-service, and synergy-config in Activity Monitor

reboot your machine. If you don't, and you drag a new Synergy.app into your /Applications folder, it will try to restart without you doing anything. And it still won't work. Something is hanging around in the OS background that's trying to restart the apps even if you force quit them. 

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20 minutes ago, JasonG said:

Something is hanging around in the OS background that's trying to restart the apps even if you force quit them

Could be the plist files in /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchDaemons.  remove the com.symless.* ones and reboot.

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I have removed everything: (including the additional info silent(e) provided... after installing, it still get's all the machines listed, including the ones that no longer exists.

Here's what I removed before installing again...
~/Library/Synergy (all files, and the folder itself)
~/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.symless.* (this one didn't exist on the other machine)
/Users/Shared/Synergy (all files, and the folder itself)

Symless could at least provide a proper script (if not through GUI) to do a clean up routine.

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Also worth noting that it is hard to distinguish names in the GUI since it only displays first few characters in the name. Example, if you have two machines that is named as MACHINE0001.local and MACHINE002.local, in the GUI, you will only see MACHINE0... (and two of them), so you basically wont know which one is which). 

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  • Synergy Team

How come you need to uninstall? Please let me know what issue you're having that makes you want uninstall.

If you need a refund, please email: refunds@symless.com

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I needed to completely uninstall 2.0 so I could go back to 1.8.8. I figured it out. I'm not interested in a refund, I'm just frustrated at how opaque everything is in 2.0. No settings file, no UI for any settings. Auto config isn't working for me and since there's no visibility into any of the settings, and now there's this nebulous cloud config, also with no visibility, it makes it impossible for me to test. Even after completely removing 2.0 and re-installing 2.0, my settings seem to persist. Hence, my desire for a way to entirely remove and re-install. 

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