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Grant access in Security & Privacy Settings

Erick DeVore

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Erick DeVore
Hi all, I've been using synergy for years for free, but when i just upgraded my OS, I had to pay my $10 to use the program-normally I'm fine with that...However I'm experiencing the same thing as many other users. [b]---"Synergy" would like to control this computer using accessibility features. Grand access to this application in Security & Privacy preferences, located in System Preferences.---[/b] Does anyone have a quick fix for this? I've tried versions 1.7.3, 2, and 1 and none of them seem to work. I'm on Mac OSX 10.10.3, with no workable version of Synergy. PLEASE HELP!! I need to get this fixed ASAP as I'm under deadline...thanks!!
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