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Use old cloud connect data when the Internet is not connecting

Sir Logic

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Synergy 2 needs to be more resilient.    The internet came under a large denial of service attack in Virginia earlier today and it was impossible to reliably get through to many websites, including the Synergy cloud server...  so Synergy 2 promptly stopped working saying that it couldn't connect to the cloud, this lasted approximately an hour until the attack subsided.   It was really annoying that I suddenly could not use my mouse and keyboard across all of my computers because of a temporary internet connection issue....   which also points out that if for some reason the Synergy server itself comes under attack or has some technical difficulty, then all of us users will be screwed.

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  • Synergy Team

We'll be moving most of the messaging into the local network layer for 2.1. It was way simpler to implement everything through the cloud, but of course, it has a drawback. The beta for 2.1 will be ready in around Jan/Feb.

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  • Synergy Team
22 hours ago, thth said:

unable to connect to some shitty cloud

This issue is now fixed. Sorry for the downtime. You'll be glad to know that we're starting work on 2.1 now, which will have an offline mode. Also, the online mode will be far less reliant on the cloud. Only the bare minimum (activation and IP address exchange) will go through the cloud servers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Activation fails when you're using a proxy server on your web browser, too, my first attempt failed due to not being the same IP address. Ideally each machine should only need to talk to the cloud once to activate (or have a manual licence key entry) and then have no need to go outside the local subnet unless specifically configured to do so.

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