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Blindly plowing ahead


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I am somewhat perplexed by the path Synergy2 is taking at the moment.

Firstly, the early access beta was quite obviously an early access alpha, as it was not feature complete, has lots of bugs, and in comparison to version 1.8 seems to trade every feature away in order to gain auto configuration, it even misses basic housekeeping functionality like removing old clients from the interface.

I now see that all the threads from the early access forum have now been closed, regardless of if peoples issues have been resolved. This is a a bit of an insult to the people who have spent time posting screenshots and logs who have still not have their issues resolved.

Calling the current version Release Candidate means this could potentially be the real version 2, bar any additional bugs coming up. This makes it sound like the quality bar is very low due to the number of current outstanding issues.

I have so far tried beta4, beta5 and RC1 and none have worked for me. Just the dreaded "There was a problem connecting to the background service. Retry" message on Mac OS.


I am not annoyed as this software is relatively inexpensive, I have been around since the IRC days and am simply concerned with the way this is going. I want it to be a success. Rushing something out the door though may not be the best way forward with this.

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stuart macmillan

I think they are going with the mantra of it works in most cases.

So far beta4, 5 and RC1 have all worked pretty well for me.


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synergy 2 isnt early access anymore, so we nick made it readonly.

If anyone asks us to move a topic over to the new forum we will do this.

for most people synergy 2 works pretty fine now.

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  • Synergy Team
2 hours ago, jaap aarts said:

for most people synergy 2 works pretty fine now.

Exactly. And if it doesn't work, they can either 1) get a refund, 2) wait for Synergy 2.1 or 3) go back to Synergy 1 temporarily.

There's really no sense getting all bent out of shape over this. It changes nothing.

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