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Synergy 2RC1, MacOS High Sierra and Ubuntu 17.04


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OK, installation of  Synergy 2RC1 on Mac was smooth. On Ubuntu 17.04 I had to struggle a little bit with the login after installation (maybe caused by running beta5 first), but eventually it worked.

Rebooted both machines. Synergy on Ubuntu is coming up nicely (starting problems of beta4 are gone). Mac comes up nicely as well. Both machines are in a wired network, same segment, fixed ipv4-addresses, no dhcp, WiFi disabled.

Ubuntu as server is problematic: as soon as the cursor enters the Mac-screen, the left movement of the cursor is lagging. Up, down, right movements: no problem. Left movement has random delay, making the cursor "jump" on the screen. I had this behaviour in all betas of 2.x and I believe in the last 1.8.x-betas as well. The last version with no problems was 1.8.8-stable.

Mac as server has no problems (but I have to use the Ubuntu-machine as server for some reasons).

Switching server is troublesome. Will work in half of the cases. In the other half, the progress bar on the icon of the client-machine will run for several minutes and the server will not switch.

In one case, when running Ubuntu as server, Synergy automatically switched to the Mac as server when I put something in the clipboard on the Mac.

Ubuntu-Log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-11-04/916-2017-11-04T18-52-48.log

Mac-Log: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-11-04/916-2017-11-04T18-54-24.log

The Ubuntu-GUI is struggling somewhat with my screen configuration: 2x FullHD + 1x 4K. The Synergy-window is stretching across screens in an odd way. I can resize (for example to half screen size of one of the screens), but the window will pop back to default at the next opportunity. This is only a minor annoyance.


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  • Synergy Team
30 minutes ago, appendx said:

Ubuntu as server is problematic: as soon as the cursor enters the Mac-screen, the left movement of the cursor is lagging. Up, down, right movements: no problem. Left movement has random delay, making the cursor "jump" on the screen.

Is this the main issue?

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Yes, this is the main issue. It is a showstopper for me, but only for the reason, that I cannot use the Mac as the server (the reason is, that there have always been little limitations in the Synergy clients, for example, some applications wouldn't accept keystrokes from the numeric keypad. I do not blame this to Synergy, as other applications behave correctly. But in the end my main computer is the Ubuntu-machine and it has to be the server). If this was solved, I would switch to Synergy 2. I believe that the "jumping" cursor has been watched and reported by other people as well, for example:

What completely puzzles me is the constraint of the problem to one axis. A sluggish behaviour would normally be associated with network problems or the like, but the cursor jumps only occur on movements to the left, not at all when moving the cursor in any other direction. It might be helpful, if other user that experience the sluggish mouse could watch closely, if the sluggishness constraints to certain axis'.


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16 minutes ago, appendx said:

Yes, this is the main issue. It is a showstopper for me, but only for the reason, that I cannot use the Mac as the server (the reason is, that there have always been little limitations in the Synergy clients, for example, some applications wouldn't accept keystrokes from the numeric keypad. I do not blame this to Synergy, as other applications behave correctly. But in the end my main computer is the Ubuntu-machine and it has to be the server). If this was solved, I would switch to Synergy 2. I believe that the "jumping" cursor has been watched and reported by other people as well, for example:

What completely puzzles me is the constraint of the problem to one axis. A sluggish behaviour would normally be associated with network problems or the like, but the cursor jumps only occur on movements to the left, not at all when moving the cursor in any other direction. It might be helpful, if other user that experience the sluggish mouse could watch closely, if the sluggishness constraints to certain axis'.


coding is hard, and you forget to copy past 10% of what you're supposed to copy(its a rule). probably copyed some code from one axis to the other and forgot to compress it or something. I hope this doesnt happen in a final release.

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  • Synergy Team
3 hours ago, jaap aarts said:

I hope this doesnt happen in a final release.

If this turns out to affect many users, we'll prioritize it urgently.

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