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Synergy v2 RC1 awful experience


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Hi, I've been using Synergy 1.8 for a while and it was nice, but lacking some features I would like to see.

so in hope of seeing cool new features I've signed to the SN2 beta

but the expereince is awful, I have a MacBook Air 2015 connected with Mac mini 2012(as host) both running Mac OS high Sierra 13.1

here are some issues:

-it takes the mouse almost 5 seconds to transfer to another screen.

-not all Mac f-keys work (screen brightness for example)

-I have a shortcut to use caps lock as the language input changer, and it doesn't work on the client side

-there is a weird mouse "smoothing" or straightning, the mouse is just not 1 to 1 as it was on synergy 1.8


also a suggestion is to send trackpad gestures between mac's, that would be an awesome feature

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  • Synergy Team
5 hours ago, ddidimc said:

-it takes the mouse almost 5 seconds to transfer to another screen.


Does this always happen, or is it only sometimes?

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  • Synergy Team
11 hours ago, ddidimc said:

the mouse is just not 1 to 1 as it was on synergy 1.8

Could you go into more detail?

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if I move the mouse very slowly I notice that it moves in completely straight lines although I am definitely not moving in a straight line...

I know that issue was also present in synergy 1.8 but it was patched by a 3rd party build of synergy (and I've seen that you are aware of the issue and there is even a fix existing but there is no implementation in the official releases)

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Just now, ddidimc said:

if I move the mouse very slowly I notice that it moves in completely straight lines although I am definitely not moving in a straight line...

I know that issue was also present in synergy 1.8 but it was patched by a 3rd party build of synergy (and I've seen that you are aware of the issue and there is even a fix existing but there is no implementation in the official releases)

How does this bug affect your everyday use of Synergy?

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Just now, Kelvin Tran said:

How does this bug affect your everyday use of Synergy?

It is very uncomfortable to use the mouse for precise actions

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8 minutes ago, ddidimc said:

It is very uncomfortable to use the mouse for precise actions

Have you tried going into mouse settings and adjusting the settings there to try and more precisely fine-tune the perceptible movement of the pointer?

This would work in Windows, have you mentioned what operating system you are using?

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  • Synergy Team
12 minutes ago, ddidimc said:

it was patched by a 3rd party build of synergy

Where did you find this?

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Just now, Kelvin Tran said:

Have you tried going into mouse settings and adjusting the settings there to try and more precisely fine-tune the perceptible movement of the pointer?

This would work in Windows, have you mentioned what operating system you are using?

in the op I have mentioned the devices and OS

and there is no option to tune the mouse

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  • Synergy Team
11 minutes ago, ddidimc said:

Excellent work digging out those links!

I've prioritized this for 2.0, so I'll try to get this in before Christmas. Worst case, it'll be in 2.1, which is due early next year.

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