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Windows 10 Pro 64bit Issues


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Hey since i have somehow become a moderator (thanks btw even if i have 0 clue what i am doing) i figured it'd behove me to actually use synergy 2 again...

And my basic bitch setup with 2 Win10 pcs has run into its first hurdle...

Somehow a third PC has shown up in my personal network, a pc that somehow IS connecting but isnt the name listed in the UI... And then it also just doesnt work for me.

I've uploaded logs from both systems but when i clicked "show logs" i didnt get like an URL or something oin the main desktop (thats the "Yggdrasil" one and the random "DESKTOP SOME NUMBER HERE" (why the F is it called that anyways, my PCs names are all set up to show Yggdrasil).

Logs from my laptop:


Graphical representation:


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My laptops logs are attached and I uploaded like 4 sets of logs at basically the same time, but when i clicked "show logs" to copy the url on my desktop it didn't want to open them in my browser. So I couldn't copy paste the url into chat...

I'm Afk right now but I'll try in an hour when I get home

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  • Synergy Team
2 minutes ago, FireFrenzy said:

but when i clicked "show logs" to copy the url on my desktop it didn't want to open them in my browser

Ah, strange. What happens? Perhaps we should put the URL in the clipboard automatically.

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As far as I can recall nothing visually, and that would Have saved some trouble in this instance...


Again currently afk will update when I get home

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  • Synergy Team
6 minutes ago, FireFrenzy said:

As far as I can recall nothing visually


Ah, so nothing happens at all?

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The bar that says "Logs uploaded" appears with the "view log" and "dismiss" appears but when i click "view logs" nothing happens

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UPDATE: i just clicked "share from Ratrtoskr" and it went green on both PCs for about 3 seconds, when i tried to move the mouse over the boundry layer nothing happened and it went back to boring old "grey with the connecting bar"...

The chat in the ~ menu still scrolls much to quickly to manually copy paste anything useful but right now its cycling "DEBUG: service cloud connection recovered" on my desktop

Now its really fucking annoying when 1.8.8 just refuses to connect my laptop going "Client called ratrtoskr access denied" or whatever, but this is even more infuriating...

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  • Synergy Team

Log files can also be found on your file system.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\Symless\Synergy\
Mac: ~/Library/Synergy/
Linux: /var/log/synergy/

To upload log files, either attach to your post or use Pastebin.

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  • Synergy Team
8 hours ago, FireFrenzy said:

I cannot upload them

What error do you get when you try to attach them to the forum post? The .1 files are older, we need the ones without the .1.

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the options menu bottom right only lists "insert existing attachment" (which doesnt help since i want a NEW attachment) and "insert image from url"...

That said i have solved it, it was a weird thing with firefox that is now fixxed... It turned out to just be refusing to open ALL external links and not just yours, which was fixxed with a quick google search once it was identified




Laptop Log:


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Click the link next to the paperclip. "Drag files here to attach, or choose files... "

Here, "choose files" is a hyperlink to upload attachments (badly worded hyperlink, sorry).

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You mentioned in this thread that just autocopying the url for the logfile to the clipboard was a thing you could do to avoid this whole mess...


Seems like it would be less work, and not involve hassling Mozilla...

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