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PayPal Payment Problem - Need Refund for Duplicate Transaction


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Hello @Nick Bolton,

Sorry to bother you for a trivial matter while you're developing Synergy 2.0, but I've had some trouble getting a refund for a duplicate transaction the last couple of days.

The PayPal integration on your site bills the user immediately after they click the PayPal "Agree & Continue" button without first displaying an order confirmation. 

I made two orders by accident - one legitimate and one duplicate. The second one was because I wanted to verify the pricing - I was billed in GBP not USD and PayPal was setup with a recurring billing agreement.

I contacted your support team, but they are confused about the issue and have been unable to refund the duplicate transaction.

One order was linked correctly to my Synergy account, the second I entered a dummy e-mail not intending on the transaction to go through ... but needless to say, it did (your site should have presented a confirmation screen first before billing as per the PayPal screenshot at which point I would have cancelled... PayPal support was surprised your site was able to bypass the confirmation dialogue).

Can you help me out get a refund for the duplicate transaction? I sent the Transaction ID to your support team and have opened up a PayPal dispute so it should be easy to find in your PayPal  account.

Let me know if you need more information.



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