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Linux+Windows Success

Richard Guest

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Richard Guest

So... After reading a few forum topics and a bit of "black box inspection" I've managed to get beta4 working between my primary Fedora26 laptop and a Windows7 desktop.

I had to add the firewall exceptions to Windows, as described here - 



I added the directory and symlink (with a fix for incorrect case) as described here - https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting

mkdir -p ~/.config/synergy/

ln -s ~/.config/Symless/Synergy/Synergy.conf ~/.config/synergy/synergy.conf

And I also added a systemd service override to get synergyd to start correctly:

sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/synergy.service.d/

sudo sh -c "echo \"[Service]\nUser=$USER\" > /etc/systemd/system/synergy.service.d/user.conf"

sudo chown $USER /var/log/synergy-service.log

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart synergy.service


It's not pretty, but... it verks, it's verking! :D

  • Synergy Team

Finally, Synergy 2 beta5 is here! Could you try this? No need to tinker with services now.

Get the latest version: Synergy-v2.0.0-beta5

Richard Guest


I could literally have waited one day...


I've undone _all_ the work arounds I added to make beta4 work, and beta4 is just working (tm).


The one thing I still don't understand is how to decide which node is the server. That piece of auto-config is a frustratingly black-box... I had to run through a few service restarts before my Linux latop took over that role.

  • Synergy Team
12 hours ago, Richard Guest said:

and beta4 is just working

You mean beta5, right?

12 hours ago, Richard Guest said:

The one thing I still don't understand is how to decide which node is the server. That piece of auto-config is a frustratingly black-box.

Actually, we're adding a manual option right now, it'll be ready in a few days.

Richard Guest

Yup. beta5.


Those pesky 4 and 5 keys are mighty close together... Maybe I should've used the build number!




I have had a couple of minor issues since my last post - lost clipboard functionality and had to restart the synergy service to get it back. And it wouldn't connect this morning - had to restart synergy on laptop to get things working again. But it's getting there...

  • Synergy Team
14 hours ago, Richard Guest said:

lost clipboard functionality and had to restart the synergy service to get it back

We're fixing that right now :)



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