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Synergy 2 Questions


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I received an email to purchase an early access version of synergy 2.  I have the basic version and after paying for the upgrade I now show a license for Synergy 1 Pro, not Synergy 2. Can anyone tell me why?

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I have a question about the source: will Synergy 2 continue to be open source? And if so, under which license is the source made available?

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On 10/10/2017 at 3:45 AM, eages said:

I have a question about the source: will Synergy 2 continue to be open source? And if so, under which license is the source made available?

the synergy-core is and will be open source, but the rest of synergy2 will be closed.

On 10/10/2017 at 6:51 PM, Pablohn said:

 will Synergy 2 continue to be open source? I cannot download the source code and deb package does not mention the license. 

no its not, and why do you need the license?

On 10/10/2017 at 5:46 PM, Eric E. Hache said:

*please delete* wrong thread.

sorry, cant i've had the same thing happen to me. i ill hide it.

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On 12/10/2017 at 3:44 PM, jaap aarts said:

the synergy-core is and will be open source, but the rest of synergy2 will be closed.

As the synergy-core is licenced under GPL, if Synergy 2 uses code from the synergy core, wouldn't that make Synergy 2 a GPL licenced software too ?


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  • Synergy Team
16 hours ago, NiBZ said:

if Synergy 2 uses code from the synergy core

It doesn't. It's a totally separate code base. Synergy Core is a different binary to everything else.

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Hi there

I bought Synergy Pro on 8th October 2017 and was not even aware that there was a newer version that was due for imminent release.  Am I expected to have to pay again for Synergy 2?  

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  • Kelvin Tran unfeatured and unpinned this topic
  • Synergy Team
On 16/10/2017 at 11:27 PM, Cowboy36 said:

Nick it only lets me download the 1.8 and on the invoice it says 11/10/17 does that mean i cant get it till then


Please contact us: early-access@symless.com

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