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Infinite Desktop - Duplicate Machines


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I've been using Synergy in its various versions for the better part of close to 10 years. In the former versions from about 4 years ago... you could duplicate machines in the setup. I freaking love this "feature" . ;) Is there anyway to do this through a script, code, or tell synergy to allow dupes? I'll explain below.

This represents Synergy active edges }<=>{. This represents traditional shared screen edges &.

That being said.. I have a Mac (single display) and Windows (dual display) . Currently my set up is Windows Machine|Mac...  (Windows Left Monitor & Windows Right Monitor }<=>{ Mac ). With this setup, Synergy works between Windows Right Monitor (right edge) and Mac (left edge). With the aforementioned ability to duplicate a machine, I was able to put the Mac in the middle and duplicate the windows machine on both sides... ( & Windows Right Monitor }<=>{ Mac }<=>{ Windows Left Monitor  & ), essentially creating an infinite display. The only drawback dealt with dragging files/elements on the windows screens. You had to remember to drag them off the share edge & to go from screen to screen. Which i got surprisingly use too in a short amount of time.


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