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synergy 2 issues


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I can't tell you much of what,  I only can tell  synergy 2 is not functioning between my iMac (10.13) and my MacBook Pro (10.13)or my windows 7 server. I can see synergy 2  sees and detecting all the computers , but they are not connected-- mouse not working. some times once or twice it connects , and quickly falling away.

I am your long time use, supporter. I would say synergy 1 is great, synergy 2 has better ideas, but for now going back to synergy 1.


good luck guys 

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PS: I do not like the idea of running all the time in background , it should have a button (can be show or hide) that I can choose to switch synergy off or turn it on and forget about it option. at least a option. 


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22 hours ago, yifuhood said:


PS: I do not like the idea of running all the time in background , it should have a button (can be show or hide) that I can choose to switch synergy off or turn it on and forget about it option. at least a option. 


its a beta, this kind of switch should be implemented later.

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