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Repositories for the various linux versions

Vincent Ouwehand

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Vincent Ouwehand
Would it be possible to make repositories to obtain the updated versions. This would make staying up to date a lot easier and make the upgrade/downgrade of the application a breeze.
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  • 5 months later...
I agree. Having Synergy ppa's would make upgrading easy and convenient, since upgrading could be done natively at the same time that I do the rest of my upgrades.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Colin MacKellar
I had a problem for days because the default repo for Ubuntu wasn't up to date. I updated my Windows installation to 1.7.5 and took a while to discover that I had to update my Linux installation from the .deb file - like this: [code]dpkg -i synergy-v1.7.5-stable-fa85a24-Linux-x86_64.deb[/code]
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  • 10 months later...

I would love to see this. The latest versions of Synergy have too many dependencies, I have been fighting trying to get it to install with no luck. it's also hard if dealing with different systems because the one built into the repos won't match version. I had managed to get a certain version to install manually across all systems but that version crashes too much. So now I'm dead in the water, I'm even contemplating designing a hardware based solution because that is easier than dealing with dependency hell.


Basically I'm trying to do multi monitor but with separate systems so that I can have full control over where programs open. Traditional multi monitor is a pain as stuff opens wherever it wants.

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