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Monitor on client machine switches off


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Been happily using Synergy between two Windows 10 machines for years. Then all of a sudden this happens. I haven't changed anything software related for a long time so it could have been a recent Windows update that caused it. (Best guess, may not have been)

When switching from the server > client the power goes off the client machines monitor (standby light flashes so its not just a black screen). Move the mouse back to server and it comes back on again.

Needless to say its mildly infuriating and pretty unusable at the minute. Anyone have any pearls of wisdom? Some new Windows 10 power saving options they added? (I can't see anything even vaguely related).

I updated to 1.8.8-stable on both machines. They connect and work fine, just this weirdness.


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Hey, I am having this same issue. Have you had any luck yet? As a temporary workaround, I swapped my client and server and the issue has gone away. 

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