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Synergy2 beta mac installation issues


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I have installed synergy2 beta in a mac (os12 which is the synergy client) but the installer does not ask any question and just gives me an windows with a green box with the mac's hostname on it.

Watching the video tutorial (https://youtu.be/dk0WAMDI4WI?list=PLolwJCOeUYOaRB-ffJ-fUy0go4I_UJ8VH) I realize the installer should ask if the system is a client or a server which does not do... how do I accomplish that?


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  • 2 weeks later...


I installed the new version in both my Linux Desktop (server) and my iMac (client)... I managed to get the system working but it still need polishing.

1) On the server (CentOS7):
- after installation I ran synergy-config just to get pass the login info and get connect (not sure how this is going to work with systems not connected to Internet). After that the application showed the name of my systems but nothing worked.
- digging a bit I noticed via "ps aux | grep synergy" this process "/usr/bin/synergy-core --client -f --run-as-uid 3284 --debug DEBUG --name my.server.hostname --enable-drag-drop --profile-dir /var/lib/synergy --log /var/log/synergy/synergy-core.log so what I did is to manually start a "synergy-core --server"

2) On the Client (iMac 10.12)
- After installation the system started with the application showing just the name of the client. Noticed via "ps aux | grep synergy" that synergy-core --server was running so I manually started a "synergy --client my.server.hostname".. and keyboard/mouse sharing started to work.

At this moment I don't know how to make my settings to be the default and I see in my two systems the synergy-core --server and --client precesses running simultaneously which I don't know if is going to affect the performance in time.

I think is pretty obvious we need a way to select how we want to start synergy without making the system to guess or to assume we are running certain configuration.

*** SORRY about the multiple posts.. CTRL+ENTER instead SHIFT+ENTER can be blamed ***

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  • Synergy Team
2 hours ago, PepeKamik said:

After that the application showed the name of my systems but nothing worked

Could you send us your logs?


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I don't feel very comfortable with the amount of information from the logs to post it here. I have a modified version but I can't post it as attachement here.

Is there any other way to upload the logs?


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