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Failing to connect Fedora 25 with Windows 10


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I am trying to use Synergy with two systems. In linux I can see both screens in the UI, but both are grey. In Windows I can only see the windows screen and it is also grey. If I start the Windows app before the linux one, the windows screen becomes green in both UIs, but nothing works. Windows firewall is disabled.

Windows app log:

[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:27] ERROR: failed to start crash handler: Couldn't verify crash dump directory: The system cannot find the file specified
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:27] INFO: log filename: C:/Users/Victor/AppData/Local/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:27] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:36] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:42] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:42] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:42] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:42] DEBUG: connected to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:45] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:45] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow

The log file itself has not been created.

In linux (I have restarted the cliend in Linux and Windows multiple times):

[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:29:51] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:29:51] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:29:53] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:29:59] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:00] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:03] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position x coordinate outside visible area. x = 648
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:03] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:03] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:06] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position x coordinate outside visible area. x = 1042
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:06] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position y coordinate outside visible area. y = 416
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:06] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:06] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:08] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position y coordinate outside visible area. y = 434
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:08] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:08] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:09] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:09] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:22] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:30:22] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:20] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position x coordinate outside visible area. x = 603
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:21] ERROR: Reply status code: 400
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:21] ERROR: Reply error message: Invalid JSON request: bad numeric conversion: negative overflow
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:54] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:54] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:54] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:55] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:55] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:52:55] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:54:58] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:54:58] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:54:59] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:54:59] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:55:00] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T20:55:00] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:36] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:36] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:36] DEBUG: connected to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:36] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:37] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:37] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:37] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:37] debug: connecting websocket
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:37] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: websocket connected
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: comparing profiles, id=-1 this=v-1 other=v3
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: profile id changed, -1->7716
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: profile name changed, ->default
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: profile server changed, -1->15274
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: profile screen set changed, added=1 removed=0
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: new screens detected (1), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: starting connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 301 161
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: handling local profile server changed, mode=unknown thisId=15249 serverId=15274 lastServerId=-1
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] error: aborting client start, no successful connectivity test results
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:38] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:41] debug: failed report: dest = 15274, ips =
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:41] debug: local profile modified, id=7716
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:41] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v3 other=v3
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:41] debug: profile screen test result changed, screenId=15274 success=``->`` failed=``->``
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:41] debug: handling new report from connectivity tester, screenId=15274 successfulIp= lastServerId=15274
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:41] debug: finished connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v3 other=v3
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile screen test result changed, screenId=15274 success=``->`` failed=``->``
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v3 other=v4
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile screen set changed, added=1 removed=0
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: new screens detected (1), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v4 other=v5
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15274 215,106->78,132
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 301,161->436,190
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v5 other=v6
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15274 78,132->350,189
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:45] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:46] debug: tcp server accepted connection, address=
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:46] debug: tcp server waiting for next client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:46] debug: tcp server ssl handshake finished, address=
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:46] debug: connectivity test server accepted a new connection:
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:52] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v6 other=v7
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:52] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15274 350,189->180,132
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:52] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:52] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:58] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v7 other=v8
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:58] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 436,190->266,132
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:58] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:04:58] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:06:49] debug: tcp client connect error: Connection timed out
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:06:49] debug: connectivity test failed for
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:23] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v8 other=v9
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:23] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 266,132->335,190
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:23] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:23] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:26] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v9 other=v10
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:26] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15274 180,132->249,187
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:26] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:26] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:38] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v10 other=v11
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:38] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 335,190->307,245
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:38] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:38] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:42] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v11 other=v11
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:42] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:48] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v11 other=v12
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:48] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 307,245->163,187
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:48] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:48] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:53] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v12 other=v12
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:09:53] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:46] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:46] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:46] DEBUG: connected to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:46] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:47] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:47] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:10:47] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:47] debug: connecting websocket
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:47] error: can't send profile snapshot, not yet received from cloud
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: websocket connected
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: comparing profiles, id=-1 this=v-1 other=v12
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: profile id changed, -1->7716
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: profile name changed, ->default
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: profile server changed, -1->15274
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: profile screen set changed, added=2 removed=0
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: new screens detected (2), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: starting connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: handling local profile server changed, mode=unknown thisId=15249 serverId=15274 lastServerId=-1
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: starting core client process
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] error: aborting client start, no successful connectivity test results
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:48] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:51] debug: failed report: dest = 15274, ips =
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:51] debug: local profile modified, id=7716
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:51] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v12 other=v12
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:51] debug: profile screen test result changed, screenId=15274 success=``->`` failed=``->``
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:51] debug: handling new report from connectivity tester, screenId=15274 successfulIp= lastServerId=15274
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:10:51] debug: finished connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v12 other=v13
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 163,187->335,189
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: profile screen test result changed, screenId=15274 success=``->`` failed=``->``
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v13 other=v14
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 335,189->335,187
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:15] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:39] debug: tcp session ssl handshake error: Connection reset by peer
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:39] debug: connectivity test failed for
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:39] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v14 other=v14
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:39] debug: profile screen active changed, screenId=15274 true->false
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:11:39] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:28] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:28] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:28] DEBUG: connected to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:28] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] debug: sending last profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] debug: config ui opened, forcing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] debug: new screens detected (2), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:29] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:30] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v14 other=v15
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:30] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 335,187->214,82
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:30] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15274 249,187->300,241
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:30] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:30] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:30] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:31] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position y coordinate outside visible area. y = 548
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:32] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v15 other=v16
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:32] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 214,82->386,82
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:32] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:12:32] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:12:59] WARNNIG: Attempted to set screen position y coordinate outside visible area. y = 476
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v16 other=v17
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: profile has not changed, no action needed
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v16 other=v18
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15274 300,241->137,140
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: comparing profiles, id=7716 this=v18 other=v19
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: profile screen position changed, screenId=15249 386,82->223,136
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: profile changed, storing local copy
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:13:15] debug: handling local profile screen position changed, mode=client
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:51] INFO: log filename: /home/victor/.config/Symless/Synergy/synergy.log
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:51] DEBUG: connecting to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:51] DEBUG: connected to service
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:51] DEBUG: new added screen pos: 257 161
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] DEBUG: Profile ID: 7716 name: default
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] DEBUG: current version is update to date
[ Config  ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] DEBUG: requesting profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: sending last profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: sending last profile snapshot
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: config ui opened, forcing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: config ui opened, forcing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: new screens detected (2), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: new screens detected (2), preparing connectivity test
[ Service ] [2017-10-13T21:15:52] debug: handling local profile screen set changed, mode=client



Unfortunately, beta 4 just doesn't like Linux distros. Beyond Nick's early troubleshooting comments: https://symless.com/synergy-2-beta4-troubleshooting there's just not much to offer except to wait for beta 5. It should drop soon.

But since you are seeing both green images in the UI let's don't give up yet, I'd suggest looking carefully into the Windows Firewall settings. Check this forum thread  https://symless.com/forums/topic/4208-how-to-use-with-windows-firewall/#comment-17610



  • 3 weeks later...
  • Synergy Team

Finally, Synergy 2 beta5 is here! Could you give it a try?

Get the latest version: Synergy-v2.0.0-beta5


Synergy rc1 works :D. Thanks for the fixes.

Combining Windows 10 beta 4 and linux rc1 does not. Upgrading both to rc1 works.

  • Synergy Team
6 hours ago, victorsavu3 said:

Upgrading both to rc1 works.

That's great news!


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