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beta feedback


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Beta, without an easy method of submitting feedback?? As a fellow developer, I have found that people are lazy, if you don't give them an easy means of submitting feedback, most won't. I know I attempted to a few times now, and gave up... I searched many forum threads looking for a place, all threads I found were closed. Hence, starting a new thread.....  If forum is your preferred method, great, at least provide a link, right in the application. 

As for my program feedback:

I've been using version 2 for a week now. Not once has it worked without intervention of some kind. At minimum, it requires manually loading the app on both machines, and "f12" on the server machine. But the majority of the time it requires restarting the service on one, or both machines (without the app running), AND "f12" on the server.

frequently, in the app, both computers will show green, can even move one of the icons, and it will move the corresponding icon on the other machine, indicating they can talk, but the mouse will not move to the other computer. Sometimes, simple "f12" on the serve fixes this, sometimes the aforementioned service restart/"f12" is required

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On OS X 10.11.4 and Ubuntu 16.04, ran into an install issue on Ubuntu, repeated it, then it installed.  Got GUI running in both computers and saw one screen on each GUI (not communicating).  Started on troubleshooting guide for Max OS X, could not kill processes, so rebooted.  Went through troubleshooting steps on Ubuntu.  After reboot, detected both screens and app started working.  Concept looks really good.  However, the GUI shows no information so, it cannot be troubleshooted.  The process restarts are very aggressive on Mac OS X.  I am unable to restart the GUI on Mac OS X.  A first cut and paste from browser to browser worked swimmingly.  Keep up the good work, this is a real development challenge.

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great beta testing guys. tzutsi, I'm wondering, did you had to add rules to your Windows Firewall? Skim this thread of Win 10 users.  https://symless.com/forums/topic/4208-how-to-use-with-windows-firewall/#comment-17610

mzirino, your setup is where I've seen the most challenges here on this forum. Kudos. I'm looking forward to your experience with beta 4. BTW, we're promised a MAC kill switch.

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No, The two machines I'm currently using it on are company supplied, and don't have rights to mess with the firewall. Getting it working the 1st time took some work, but I don't know what got it working in the end. it was a combination of install, re-install, restarting service, and "f12" on the machine I intend for the server. As of now, it works, but only after I load the program, and "f12" the server.

Side note, haven't had the opportunity to see if the bug I discovered in the old version was fixed: Let the screen saver/lock computer activate, while the client computer has focus of the mouse. This would cause the focus to get stuck on the client. Making it impossible to interact wit hthe server. Breaking this state by restarting the client software(or machine) would result in the keyboard mapping on the server to loose the letter R. Which required a computer restart to restore.

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Allan Jackson
On 10/13/2017 at 10:30 AM, tzutsi said:

Not once has it worked without intervention of some kind.

This has been my experience as well. Each day when I've gotten to work, it's required some combination of restarting computers, killing processes, etc to get Synergy to work again. Hopefully the next beta is a big improvement in stability/reliability. If not, I'll probably just switch back to v1 until it's more stable.

Once it's working reliably, I definitely think I'm going to like S2 better than the old version though. I can already see the hints/promise of everything just magically working without needing any config at all.

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After a lot of tweaking was able to get it working again using reboots, the troubleshooting guide, and maybe luck (Syn 2 beta 4, Max OS X OS X 10.11.4 and Ubuntu 16.04,).   Once it works, it seems very reliable and I can get things done.   I found the ~ key brings up the logs, which allows me to see what's going on, so I'll try to pinpoint the cause of problems.  Still can't always call up the GUI in Mac OS X.


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Last night, I was unable to shut down my Mac - I noticed the synergy2 process was not dying, so I had to power off the machine.  That seemed unacceptable.  I want a preferences window that allows me to turn off "process autorestart".   Today, I got them working again, here are the details of how it was done:


Once connected, I've had no issues at all.



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Ok, I've discovered all I need to do to get connected is run /usr/bin/synergyd on ubuntu (other instance on Max OS X).   All the other troubleshooting steps have been done.  Starting via GUI doesn't work.


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